Commit to eating well during the week, and save the pizza and fun food for weekends. Instead of speaking eloquently like his father and grandfather before him, the new king used colloquial style to address the middle class audience. Merriam-Webster defines this whimsical-sounding adjective as perfectly typical or representative of a particular kind of person or thing. For reference, here are a few synonyms for the word: To further illustrate the meaning of the word quintessential, consider a student who opts to attend classes traditionally rather than online because they desire the quintessential college experience. A 500-word essay is a common format assignment that students have to deal with. A 500-word essay is basically an essay with three sections that give clear depictions of an occasion or any item. WebWords Every College Student Should Know book. While the term has a literal meaning that refers to the highest point reached in the sky, the meaning youll find more useful as a student is the formal definition: the strongest or most successful period of time. In this sense, the word is associated with synonyms such as: It is not uncommon for professionals to reference a particularly successful moment as the zenith of their careers, for instance. 58. monetary relating to money or currency. Among the college words, youll need to know to hold your own in the world of academia is garish. 70. piety respect and devotion to a religion or higher power. 66. patrician someone related to a noble or wealthy family. Used in a sentence: Mother Theresa is the paragon of virtue and kindness. You may conclude that your peers attention span is tenuous. 18. circumspect carefully thinking about all the possible consequences and effects before doing something. bourgeois. The word means showing or suggesting that success in the future is likely, and it comes from the Latin term auspex, meaning bird seer. In ancient times, clairvoyants used to birdwatch in order to detect patterns that could affect future events. )lacking in originality and freshness, Masters in Communication Online: Top 30 Values, Communications Degree Online: Top 9 Values. When a husband or wife makes a unilateral decision, unhappiness and distrust results from the other side because of the lack of communication and compromise. The Goal of a 500 Word Essay for College and Scholarship Applications Your goal when writing college and scholarship application essays is simple: stand out as one of the most qualified and interesting applicants. hierarchy. The term antithesis simply means opposite, but it makes a much better impression when used in writing and speech, especially in the classroom. Rich people dont quibble over tipping and service charges like the middle-class and poor do. 22. conformist a person who accepts established behavior. 49. indenture a formal contract or document. Sometimes the best offense is a good defense and they dont have it, i.e., a defense that creates turnovers for easy scores. In the age of Covid, everyone is looking for a panacea, so this is an apt word to add to your college vocabulary list. Some synonyms for the word include: The word superfluous tends to have a negative connotation, especially when used in reference to its secondary definition: obsolete; marked by wastefulness; extravagant.. Used in a sentence: During the 1920s and early 1930s, the US government placed a prohibition on the sale of alcoholic beverages. 97. unilateral action that is done by or affects only one side. However, a secondary definition of a conundrum is an actual riddleone whose solution includes a pun. The mob is notorious for having people obfuscate the truth with their backdoor deals and money laundering. 89. stoic someone who can persevere through pain or struggle without complaining. This type of essay is a common article design that can be followed for composing any sort of exposition, for example, a descriptive essay, an argumentative essay, and so forth. Used in a sentence: Each state requires new teachers to pass pedagogy exams in order to get certified. A 500-word essay is a common format assignment that students have to deal with. The word tends to have a negative connotation and is often associated with someone who attempts to please an authority figure, akin to a teachers pet. And thats much different from the goal you have when writing an academic paper for a high school or college class. Synonyms for supercilious include: An easy and fun way to remember the definition of supercilious is to think of its original meaning. In fact, secondary definitions of the term garish include excessively or disturbingly vivid, offensively or distressingly bright, and even tastelessly showy; flashy. Synonyms sometimes associated with the word include: If you attend college football games, youre likely to see fans dressed in garish outfits. hierarchy. elements from a diverse range of sources. Synonyms for proliferate include: We borrowed the word from the French term prolifere, meaning reproducing freely.. Master high-frequency, high-utility words that you'll encounter across the curriculum. 98. vernacular the language spoken by people of a certain region or group. Instead of using high-level vocabulary, use simple and easy to understand words. Used in a sentence: No one in their right mind would call Aristotle a simpleton. The words roots can be found in Middle English, where it referenced a fifth element of the planet referred to as the quinta essentia. 42. extrapolate to predict or estimate something based on known information. 2. adulterate make something worse by adding to it. Web125 Words Every 7th Grader Should Know Vocabulary You Need to Succeed By analyzing student data and commonly taught texts, has compiled this collection of essential vocabulary for students in 7th grade. 75. prohibition an act of forbidding something. Weve collected the most common English words below, split into the major word classes ( verbs, nouns, adjectives, and adverbs) and four more word classes (prepositions, pronouns, conjunctions, and contractions). The Goal of a 500 Word Essay for College and Scholarship Applications Your goal when writing college and scholarship application essays is simple: stand out as one of the most qualified and interesting applicants. Boxers who renege on their deal to show up and fight can get sued by the event promoters. Websharp, biting, or acid in temper, expression, or tone Acrimony bitter, harsh, or biting sharpness Acumen quickness of perception or discernment (understanding) Adumbrate to sketch, outline in a shadowy way Ameliorate to make or grow better Aphorism a tensely phrased statement of a truth or opinion; an adage Apocryphal Commit to eating well during the week, and save the pizza and fun food for weekends. 31. discern to perceive or recognize something. Here are some tips for writing short essays. 38. eschew deliberately avoid using something. Still, the spice makes a good mnemonic device if you note that because of its strength, ginger should be applied gingerly, less it overwhelms your dish. 62. onerous involving great effort and difficulty. When youre looking for sympathy, find an amicable friend who will help you relax. Merriam-Webster defines juxtaposition as the act or instance of placing two or more things side by side often to compare or contrast or to create an interesting effect. While there are few, if any, exact synonyms for the word, some closely related terms include: The term has a wide range of uses, but in academia, it is often used to describe the effects of an artists or authors media or stylistic choices. The political attack ads use heavy doses of pejorative language to sway voters minds. 7. antithesis the exact opposite of someone, something, or some idea. Among the vocabulary words that should be in your lexicon is the term ubiquitous. Parents with a new-born baby face the onerous task of taking care of a helpless human life while they get almost zero sleep during the process. One of the best college words on our list in terms of utility, the term debacle can be substituted for the more frequently-used but less collegiate term, disaster. In fact, Merriam-Webster defines a debacle as a great disaster or a complete failure. Common synonyms for the word include: In its early uses, debacle meant a certain type of disasterthat is, a violent floodbut today, it has a more general meaning. action that is done by or affects only one side. When a suspect answers a question so many times it seems superfluous, they often get upset and frustrated in front of the police. Used in a sentence: If buildings arent designed with a proper buttress, theyre likely to break the fire code because they could collapse with enough stress. relating to human existence or the experience of existing. middle class. Once youre in college, you may think your days of learning vocabulary words are over. Many of the important college words weve featured have interesting etymological roots, and auspicious is another one of these captivating terms. Be very clear. Synonyms of digress include: Often, when speakers realize that theyre ranting about something tangential to the main topic, theyll say, but I digress before returning to the point. Using easy-to-understand, informative, and often humorous explanations of every word, 499 Words Every College Student Should Know explores how to Think again. Instead of using high-level vocabulary, use simple and easy to understand words. Used in a sentence: Checking Facebook to see pictures of her ex-boyfriend go on vacation with his new girlfriend gave her melancholy thoughts. Rather, panacea can refer to a perfect solution to a wide range of problems. People who take a statement out of context for their partisan view are the worst to talk to. To keep his reputation in good shape with his colleagues, Dr. Huiyt acted circumspect with his finding before publishing it in Scientific American. Used in a sentence: Since Bob is a zealot for the New York Yankees, hes bought season tickets for the past 17 years in a row. Used in a sentence: The March Madness bracket pool champion usually responds in a supercilious manner, not recognizing that a lot of luck carried them to victory. Disparate things are distinctly dissimilar. extremely light and delicate that seems heavenly. One of the college words on our list that highlights the importance of usage, aesthetic can be used as an #5: banal. Instead, theyre stuck saying like, very, you know what I mean, and awesome in every other sentence. Used in a sentence: To keep his reputation in good shape with his colleagues, Dr. Huiyt acted circumspect with his finding before publishing it in Scientific American. The term superfluous is an adjective that is synonymous with extra. According to Merriam-Webster, the formal definition of the word is beyond what is needed; unnecessary. According to this definition, something that is superfluous goes well above what is sufficient for the situation at hand. Making friends is challenging, Ill be honest. To corroborate is to confirm or make more certain. Web101 College Vocabulary Words 1. adulation excessive flattery or praise Used in a sentence: Self-adulation is one of the worst traits of good leaders because it leads them to corruption. Web 1. adumbrate 2. chicanery 3. pusillanimous 4. apocryphal 5. verve (If youre a foreign student or someone completely new to the English language, you should also buy a dictionary to keep by your side.). still pure and in its original condition. middle class. An effective preamble will raise the audiences anticipation and excitement for the talk. Heres an example of what a 500 word essay looks like. According to Merriam-Webster, this word refers to a subtle distinction or variation, with synonyms spanning terms like: This is a word that proves quite useful in introductory humanities courses since youll be asked to analyze works of art and literature with a fine-toothed comb, looking for nuances that separate them from comparable pieces. Used in a sentence: Indolent people are hard for me to understand, because hard work always pays off to some degree. 33. disparate different from each other, unlike. 1. Weve collected the most common English words below, split into the major word classes ( verbs, nouns, adjectives, and adverbs) and four more word classes (prepositions, pronouns, conjunctions, and contractions). A 500-word essay is a common format assignment that students have to deal with. Used in a sentence: His piety is unquestioned after gave up his corporate job so he could spread Christianity across the world. The term brevity is one of the easiest college words to learn and use because of its similarity to the common word brief. You can think of brevity as the state of being brief. Master high-frequency, high-utility words that you'll encounter across the curriculum. the fact of placing two things side by side, usually in contrast. Its easy to be a sore loser, but its hard to show decorum after losing a championship game. If youre going to be a maverick and do something different, you better be right or the kickback will be hard to swallow. 5. amok behave in an out of control fashion. Still, its primary usage is in the adjective form. a difference between two opposite things. Used in a sentence: Where they previously had to sketch terrains and locations by hand, cartographers have utilized computer software to create stunning maps. This list started at 50 words, then I got ambitious and went for 75 because I had more to say. Used in a sentence: In the 17th century, groups had disparate ideas about the earth being flat or round. It is difficult to pin down exact synonyms of the word, but some terms related to myopic include: The origins of myopic can be found in the Greek words myein and ops, meaning to be closed and eye, face, respectively. 73. pristine still pure and in its original condition. The monetary and psychological benefits of getting reimbursed for gas can go a long way for company morale. Merriam-Webster defines proverbial as of, relating to, or resembling a proverb. Synonyms include: The term proverbial comes in handy when a writer or speaker wants to make a connection between a topic and a relevant proverb or adage. rules that dictate how words are used to form phrases and sentences. One of the vocabulary words youll need to know for your classes, especially in History or Political Science, is the term zealot. 85. simpleton a foolish or gullible person. 96. ubiquitous seen nearly everywhere you go. Merriam-Webster defines rapport as a friendly, harmonious relationship, especially one characterized by agreement, mutual understanding, or empathy that makes communication possible or easy. Some close synonyms for rapport include: Though a rapport with your college professors may or may not result in an extension for your mid-term assignment, it certainly cant hurt. You may have heard the phrase it goes without saying to describe something that is understood despite not being explained verbally. Like a number of the college words on our list, hackneyed has a negative connotation and is often used in a critical sense. 2. adulterate make something worse by adding to it Heres an example of what a 500 word essay looks like. Since Bob is a zealot for the New York Yankees, hes bought season tickets for the past 17 years in a row. 93. symbiotic relationships between people thatare mutually beneficial, or dependent, to each other. Like many of the vocabulary words were featuring, tenuous has its roots in Latin. While celebrities may act like they hate the public attention, celebrities and the media have a symbiotic relationship with one another. The word is derived from two Latin words, ob and fuscus, meaning over and dark-colored, respectively. He already felt shameful after losing his job, and his girlfriend breaking up with him an hour later only exacerbated his mood. Make every word count. to communicate very harsh things about someone. Ouch. Even if you dont have a lot of space, you still have to make your point. 499 Words Every College Student Should Know: A Professor's Handbook on Words Essential to Great Writing & Better Grades Kindle Edition by Stephen Spignesi (Author) Format: Kindle Edition 60 ratings 4.1 on Goodreads 13 ratings See all formats and editions Kindle $11.99 Read with Our Free App Paperback $16.99 10 Used from $6.25 2 Proverbial is a derivative of the word proverb, which comes from the Latin word verbium, meaning word.. The 300 most common words in English. President Obama stood out among other presidential candidates because hes a master orator. Used in a sentence: When a husband or wife makes a unilateral decision, unhappiness and distrust results from the other side because of the lack of communication and compromise. Samanthas new boyfriend looks analogous to her previous ex-boyfriends. Used in a sentence: When appealing to the common people, its a wise move to use their vernacular instead of fancy language. Anyone who sees the celebritys mansion that overlooks the ocean will have an aesthetic appreciation for the home. catharsis. Though not originally used to describe things that happen by luck or good fortune, the word has come to be associated with the kind of serendipity associated with positive results. Rehearse with flashcards Flashcards are an incredibly effective way of studying and memorizing vocabulary. Normally a stoic, Malachi wept in emotion after hearing the bad news about his hometown. Brian Robben is the founder of Take Your Success, a site dedicated to helping entrepreneurs and wantrepreneurs grow a profitable business and reach freedom. Interestingly, a secondary definition of myriad is ten thousand, which is indeed a great number of things, but in most cases, myriad is used to describe a more general number of items. Youll see that I didnt try to find the biggest words, but I aimed to find the most practical words that you might not know or would give you a helpful refresher. Web 1. adumbrate 2. chicanery 3. pusillanimous 4. apocryphal 5. verve According to Merriam-Webster, implicit means capable of being understood though unexpressed: implied. Synonyms include: As an illustration of the words definition, think about how you might feel if an advisor asks you if youre serious about pursuing your college degree. 36. emulate match something or something, imitate. Used in a sentence: Professor Riesling backed up his opinion with an eclectic collection of evidence dating back from 1934 to the present. overused to the point it lacks significance. The binary compound, which contains two rare chemicals, needs to be investigated further before a comment is made. Used in a sentence: Theres a big dichotomy of nature or nurture being more influential in human development. The main claims he had a transcendent encounter with an alien. Merriam-Webster lists this latter definition as coming from strong emotions and not from logic or reason. Synonyms of visceral include: Although this is the definition youll likely use in academic speech and writing, its helpful to remember that the medical definition of the word is of or relating to the viscera or internal organs of the body. With this in mind, you can think of a visceral feeling that is so strong you feel it in your physical body. The singers ethereal voice carried the note so beautifully that I couldnt believe it. This compensation does not influence our school rankings, resource guides, or other editorially-independent information published on this site. Websharp, biting, or acid in temper, expression, or tone Acrimony bitter, harsh, or biting sharpness Acumen quickness of perception or discernment (understanding) Adumbrate to sketch, outline in a shadowy way Ameliorate to make or grow better Aphorism a tensely phrased statement of a truth or opinion; an adage Apocryphal This word means very careful about doing something in an extremely accurate and exact way. One might argue that you not only need to know what this word means, but youd also be well-advised to adopt a meticulous approach to your studies to be successful in your higher education journey. As is the case for numerous college words, Merriam-Webster lists both a technical and formal definition of the word zenith. After Jenny saw a shark in the ocean 25 feet away, she swam amok to the beach. Used in a sentence: Newspapers who unfairly vilify private citizens open themselves to be sued for slander. Used in a sentence: The best newspaper editors have a pedantic approach to their work, because if they didnt theyd be out of a job. And this list is in alphabetical order. People without a filter for their words often get in trouble for their crude jokes and expressions. WANT A Used in a sentence: The singers ethereal voice carried the note so beautifully that I couldnt believe it. According to Merriam-Webster, gingerly is defined as very cautious or careful; with extreme care concerning the result of a movement or action, and synonyms include: Etymologists continue to debate the origins of the word gingerly, but one theory is that it came from the Old French term gensor, meaning delicate. Weve collected the most common English words below, split into the major word classes ( verbs, nouns, adjectives, and adverbs) and four more word classes (prepositions, pronouns, conjunctions, and contractions). The idea of coloring over something with a dark crayon comes to mind, which is quite similar to todays dictionary definitions: to throw into shadow, to make obscure, and to confuse. Synonyms for obfuscate include: To give an example of how this word might be used in a real-life scenario, think about a particular professor whose lectures you find complicated and mind-numbing. Used in a sentence: Parents with a new-born baby face the onerous task of taking care of a helpless human life while they get almost zero sleep during the process. an opening statement that prepares whats to come. Used in a sentence: A pragmatic president would seek the counsel of his cabinet before making key decisions. The term proliferate is one of those words every student should add to their college vocabulary. Taken from Greek tragedies (how viewer felt after watchign them) The quintessential meathead goes to the gym twice a day to stack muscle onto his already huge arms, bouldered shoulders, and athletic legs. Its odd when there are two twins, and one is shy and the other is loquacious. The defense lawyers appeal for mercy on his clients 5-year prison sentence didnt sway the apathetic judge.
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