Hydroxyapetite is a crystal. We are so glad Earthpaste could help you with those pearly whites! Use a very soft toothbrush. Here is the Mama Natural take on fluoride! Did your son even have a cavity? They dont do anatomy of physiology the way that MDs or DOs do. Natural Whitening Tooth & Gum Powder with Activated Charcoal. Recently, we made one more awesome addition the pure, effective cleanser nano silver. There is enough fluoride in a tube of fluoridated toothpaste to kill a child. Ive been making ours for close to a year now and it wasnt a huge adjustment for us. Respectfully submitted, Dr. Steve Branam. that sounds col is it safe for sensitive teeth b/c i have major sensitiveity and would like not to have to buy colgate pro relief. When I have a cavity or a margin in a filling, my teeth hurt when eating cold/sour/sweet. Drinking activated carbon may possibly remove essential minerals and vitamins. Im certainly no dental professional so I cant argue with what youve learned. Not cool. Orders will leave our warehouse within 5 business days. I consider Weleda to be a greenwashing company. We also complete continuing education hours every year. Stop eating refined sugar, eat healthy and brush with baking soda, xylitol, coconut oil or a real natural toothpaste (they usually come in a jar). It helps remove bacteria by the brushing. Any links to this research? Its her blog and therefore her business what she does with her blog. If you already have sore gums, use uncle Harrys tooth and gum elixir. It is so effective at eliminating odors in your breath, that even after eating skordalia and bread (yum! 2023 NewsmaxHealth. Anything is a poison to the human body in doses that are too high for us to take, even water. In fact, it would be much more orofitable for dentists if flouride did not exist. . Calcium fluoride is a naturally occurring substance found in soil and is pretty much harmless to us in the amounts you can find in nature, so when this is found to be in water and foods its quite normal and is, in fact, part of the mineral balance of human life. To learn more about prop 65 visit: WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive Harm - https://www.p65warnings.ca.gov/. I have seen some toothpastes with hydroxyapatite without glycerin and then others with hydroxyapatite and glycerin. You dont se that warning on stuff that youre supposed to put in your mouth very often. This toothpaste has literally changed my life and highly recommend it. I have been oil pulling for months and it has TRANSFORMED my mouth at least a bit less sensitive and definitely much more whiter teeth and healthier gums. After talking to other moms who have grown up here in Heber with no fluoride in the water, many have had issues with gray teeth in their children (when the grown-up teeth come in), even with good dental hygiene. Mthfr.net & mthfrsupport.com. We hope that this article eases some concerns about the Proposition 65 warning label. We have used A Vogel (which i think is now discontinued), a tooth soap, a couple tooth powders, and Earthpaste. Essential oils found in various varieties of Earthpaste (like peppermint, spearmint, wintergreen, citrus, and cinnamon oil) also have antimicrobial benefits, contain antioxidants, ease inflammation, and make Earthpaste taste great. I would have loved to hear you touch on the fact that most toothpaste also contains sodium laurel sulfate which is harsh on teeth even in kids toothpaste. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Everything you want to know about fluoride, 7 Surprising Ways to Reduce Stress (& Why You Want To). I am also a medical student. It doesnt contain any glycerin, fluoride, foaming agents, artificial coloring, or other junk ingredients you find in traditional toothpastes. I LOVE baking soda but use a few times a week like you. I have cringed in the past when I have gone to a friends house when her kids were small. $8.39 $9.99 $4.99 redmond earthpaste wintergreen redmond earthpaste silver natural clay toothpaste You may think that the dollop of toothpaste you use to brush daily is harmless. I started using OraWellness Healthy Mouth Blend about 8 months ago and I love it! Mothers unknowingly transfer their tooth decay causing bacteria to their children. PS This article doesnt even talk about the other ingredients in toothpaste like Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and saccharin! I had heard this was a no-no ingredient and am wondering if it is ok in toothpaste? I trust that company and I cant say that about all of them! According to the American Dental Assoc, tooth decay has decreased in every age group in America in the last 20 years EXCEPT children 2 to 5 years of age. Studies show bentonite clay is structured in such a way that it is not absorbed by the body. The patients we routinely see on all natural toothpastes routinely have 2-3x more cavities. After a long search for effective, natural toothpaste for our families, we made Earthpaste. http://www.ewg.org/skindeep/product/468501/Weleda_Deodorant_Spray%2C_Citrus/. And, best part of all Im still entirely cavity free! Rexburg Police DepartmentA piece of Lori Vallow's hair was found stuck on duct tape used to wrap the body of her 7-year-old son before he was buried in her soon-to-be husband's Idaho backyard, a DNA expert revealed in court Monday.Keeley Coleman, a senior DNA . Needless to say, I never questioned my dentist again and switched to conventional toothpaste & mouthwash with fluoride right away!! Is all that necessary? By requiring this information to be provided, Proposition 65 enables Californians to make informed decisions about their exposures to these chemicals. Its refreshingly different! As a result, these types of chemicals and elements are often found in commonly eaten foods even though they are not intentionally added to the food. And when we go to the dentist, it is a big NO to any flouride treatments. There is a lot of misinformation out there on the internet. Often my Dyspnea (Pulmonary hypertension) is experienced by teeth brushing. Then the dentist came over and said I had excellent hygiene and she doesnt get to say that much, in fact, she couldnt remember the last time she said it. ), there was *no* trace of the smell on my breath! For great information discussing the healing process and results check out the post from http://www.mommypotamus.com/can-a-weston-a-price-diet-reverse-tooth-decay/ . Certain types Mushrooms. Also the ingredients of it were very similar to what Im already using in my homemade version, which definitely isnt helping! The sodium fluoride found in fluoridated toothpaste is NOT natural fluoride. tap water is terrible. Toms isnt a good choice it has SLSEarthpaste is AMAZING!!! Go to another blog if it bothers you so much and stop being so nasty. Coconut oil is the one item in the mix that is soothing. And says my I have good teeth minus one little cavity. Its a favourite in our house because it most closely resembles the toothpaste we grew up with. Im looking for something to use for my babies precious teeth, and she LOVES to suck it off the brush. That said, shortly after we started using this toothpaste, she got 4 (!) As a side note, did you know that all indigenous peoples NEVER clean their teeth and apart from a slimy film they get over their teeth at most, their breath doesnt smell nor do they get cavities. I just started using a mix of baking soda and coconut oil with a drop of lemon essential oil. If you really want to avoid it, use spring water or shop around for a very special water filter. Our water isnt fluoridated, and I really just havent been able to convince my husband to stop using the regular stuff (which also has sulfates in it which are awful). We use earthpaste or I just use a bar of soap with some mint essential oil dropped on it. Thanks for the help in advance! Im using my own toothpaste, but its great to hear about a company making a more widely available safe toothpaste! Its a little hard to scoop out, but I really like it (and everything else that Ive made from that book)! Lava occurs natural but u will It would seem to be a miracle substance for fostering oral health. Earthpaste is the only toothpaste that contains our unique bentonite clay. I wanted something that: had no fluoride. We diligently brush our teeth after every meal as part of good oral hygiene. In the new formula yes, the old formula doesnt contain glycerin. Just curious, I have amalgam fillings. however in more concentrated forms it could burn a whole in a cement sidewalk. I have tried many, many natural toothpastes, but have yet to find one that works for my sensitive teeth. I love it!! The host did a segment on fluoride about how it actually causes cavities & how harmful it is, and the show was taken off the air!!!! If you're looking for a toothpaste that's unlike any other you've used before, try Earthpaste. But it is also pure sugar. Because the mouth has a 90% absorbency rate it's also one of the most vulnerable areas of the body for chemical sensitivity. There are communities that have too much fluoride naturally occurring in their water and the treatment plants take great measures to remove it to a level that is deemed safe by research. Thank you for sharing your experience! He thinks the benefit far outweighs the risks. To be safe, check your Xylitol sources the Xylitol available on the market in bulk and in food products may have been sourced from corn a much cheaper, more easily obtained substance than from birch. NOW Foods Xyliwhite Cinnafresh Toothpaste Gel. Therefor I was quite horrified to open my package and discover a Prop 65 warning on the actual toothpaste box.Now, to their credit Redmond does also give the address to the Earthpaste webpage . Ive got him using Uncle Harrys tooth soap, taking eggshells everyday and swishing with trisodium phosphate and baking soda & water everyday, but hes using the strong rx flouride twice a week cuz his dentist stressed it. Activated charcoal is the best for your teeth bar none! or have him use the toothpaste and Ill use a different one? Really appreciate the valuable information about toothpaste. There are many documented reviews of people who have been able to reverse their tooth decay using the methods contained in the book. You should already practice daily oral hygiene to prevent tooth decay and gum disease, such as brushing regularly with fluoride toothpaste, flossing daily, and limiting sweets.And by regulating certain lifestyle choices smoking, alcohol use, and sun exposure, for example you can lower your risk of developing oral cancer. Weleda does have glycerin which can coat the teeth but its nearly impossible to find a paste that doesnt. I have Periodontal disease and have only been using this for a few months, but can already tell it is working. A lot of people report a powerful whitening effect from charcoal but there arent scientific studies to prove that yet. Activated charcoal every day and night! Really need the Xylitol for dry mouth or I would look into just brushing with sea salt. Earthpaste is amazingly natural toothpaste. Does anyone else who uses/or has heard of Earthpaste worry? Anyway, I ran across some very disturbing news regarding chemicals in Toothpaste and I wanted to share a couple links with you. Sadly the cosmetic database doesnt differentiate the terms and so you cant really use their rating for Weleda. I would still prefer to rinse with warm water and Himalayan salt though. I have been using a homemade toothpaste made of bentonite clay, water, tea tree oil and peppermint essential oil for about 6 months, and before that I was using coconut oil and baking soda, which I didnt like as it hurt my teeth. I am in the dental profession and I have read most of the current peer reviewed research pro and con. BTW, fluoride is very difficult to remove from water and a Brita doesnt do the job. Stop Sippy Cups people, please!!! Gray is not enough fluoride. Labels used on these products are for the safety of YOUR children so that these items are kept out of reach of children. Mind boggling. For example: It competes with iodine in the thyroid (and disrupts other enzymes) and can cause significant disruption in metabolism which can in turn result in malnutrition (all your other systems being affected) and can cause tooth decay as well .. BECAUSE if your thyroid goes down hill.. Youre pretty much done my friends so.. Conventional toothpaste. Brita doesnt do the job? But one thing is certain: The natural varieties, while not perfect, are a lot better than conventional toothpaste with fluoride! But experts warn that the toothpaste we use to keep our pearly whites sparkling may be dangerous to our health. I went looking through Walmart today and decided on Orajel Training Toothpaste. I dont think my switching to natural toothpaste is responsible for my tooth sensitivity problem, as it has only arisen recently and I have been using natural toothpaste for quite a long time. Try oil pulling with a drop of peppermint essencial oil! (Summit County or Wasatch County Utah). Comes direct from Austria easy to use, not messy or difficult to do full of potent oral health cleansing power all natural see video on: http://www.purenaturalfresh.com/tooth-oil/video/ tastes yummy too, I have used Earthpaste for many years and loved ituntil I recently found out I have heavy metal poisoning. The Colony Collapse Disorder which has been decimating international honeybee populations for nearly a decade now has stimulated discussion regarding the human theft of their protection, rendering them vulnerable to pathogens. It might also depend on your diet. That is until I said, I dont want RAT POISON given to my children. I have an almost 4 year old and I havent found a dentist that is in line with my beliefs. I had terribly sensitive teeth and gums that looked like a murder scene after brushing or flossing. All natural, works amazingly well, tastes like pumpkin bread :), and if its swallowed-absolutely no biggie!! Charlotte, thank you for sharing your transformation. Make your own toothpaste. If youre looking for a toothpaste thats unlike any other youve used before, try Earthpaste. After a long search for effective, natural toothpaste for our families, we decided Fluoride interacts with zirconium oxide in such a way that allow the entrapped gas to escape, a heavy hygroscopic ionic gas where in this case the surface area of the zirconium oxide particle allows it to stick to the substrate and gas off, the smaller the zirconium oxide particles the better. and my husband and I love it (much less sensitivity within a matter of weeks). But if you have demineralization starting from acid, the only way to remineralize those areas and PREVENT needing a filling is three compounds: Calcium, Phosphate, and Fluoride. I was pleasantly surprised at the taste and refreshing clean feeling after my first use. Everyones gotta make their own call but if there are better options to oral health (like healthy diet and safer ingredients) Ill pass on the fluoride. This also means, since 90% of the corn grown in USA is from GMO corn., your products and foods likely contain Xyolitol from GMO corn UNLESS it states organic or is of birch-source. Try this healthy and delicious coconut and pumpkin chana dahl - the perfect mid-week healthy meal which is nourishing, easy to digest and full of protein. Even my sensory daughter who has serious issues with toothpastes likes their lemon flavored. When I was in Ukaine, I found it adamant for Ukranian and Russian people to buy bottled water, and they NEVER drink tap water; Not even boiled for a cup of tea, only for washing clothes. Like poison oak. Rather being a toothpaste choice issue it sounds more like you may be missing essential nutrients like Vitamins A, D, K2 which cause your teeth to be weak. * because of my sensitivity, I had decided to use my fluoride paste @ bedtime, & earthpaste in the morning, until I had a chance to see if I truly liked the product. It also sheds light on how peer review actually works when research grants are at stake. Maybe he could supplement with high dose vitamin C and oil pullHow is he doing now? Notice that there are many items in your household that you probably keep from the reach of children as ingested in excess would cause harm. Food Grade Redmond Clay: A natural polisher and cleanser that is also mineral rich and alkaline. . I suggest looking at the book Cure Tooth Decay. Ive been trying to use clay toothpastes to help with the strength of my teeth but now Im not sure if I can trust any of the clay types. I dont know what to do!! Family owned and operated, organic farmIm in! Neither will oil-pulling, baking soda, or any other home remedy. Happy, Health Holidays. I use the adults mint and she uses the baby version in regular or strawberry banana flavored. I actually live in Heber City, Utah, right down the street from the Real Salt plant that makes and distributes the Earthpaste (and other clay products, as well as all the Real Salt products which are fabulous). Too much sodium can cause seizures, coma, and death; too much water will kill you. Redmond Lemon Twist Earthpaste Toothpaste. Read our post answeringthis question here. Among other things, glycerin is the base for many liquid soaps and on the body isnt a problem. I saw your recipe last year and lost it; so glad to see the link again!! I do have the tablets, and my kids take them maybe one or twice a month (the dentist says they only need them sparingly, not daily, like the prescription indicatesyikes). My question is; What kind is it? Our clay hasn't changed since nature made it a long, long time ago. I want to do my best to keep my daughters teeth healthy, but I definitely dont want to expose her to unnecessary toxins. When you use fluoride toothpaste, the fluoride combines with the calcium and phosphate already in your saliva and remineralizes your teeth (or closes tubules which decreases sensitivity, thats why Sensodyne works so well). Instead, I use a variety of natural products that I want to share with you. I did a little research (including going to Earthpastes website and the EPAs) and was not comfortable with what I found. 4 Ounce (Pack of 3) 4.4 (555) Save 14%. Once absorbed, the xylitol blocks their ability to consume glucose and causes these harmful bacteria to starve. Perhaps you have heard Parcelsuss maxim of toxicology: the dose makes the poison. Truly there are no easy answers, and I havent been able to find a perfect toothpaste just yet. I like the ingredient list better. We use Melaleuca! Take a look at the back of a conventional tube of toothpaste. This was a wake up call for me that not everything that is convential is bad for you and shouldnt be ruled out because of your health conscious life style. The recipe is: 4 Tablespoons Coconut Oil, 2 Tablespoons Manuka honey(16+), and 1 teaspoon ground clove. You may have noticed warning panels on Redmond Clay and other products, like Earthpaste, that contain Redmond Clay. They had no idea! Dear all, please be aware that the ingredients used in popular toothpastes AND natural toothpastes with or without fluoride all have possible systemic effects. Calcium bentonite clay is what you want, not sodium bentonite clayI think clay, coral calcium, powdered clove, cinnamon and stevia would do the trick for me. I use salt to clean my cast iron so when I saw this I had to try it. He researched cultures around the world and their oral health and found the diets close to the land were exemplary for providing healthy mouth, teeth, bite. We started with hydrated Redmond Clay and added xylitol, Ha ha!! Sanatani History: "Warning: Toothpaste Causes Cancer #shorts He also teaches at NYU so his expertise in dental is no joke. Is it just me, or is the second resource for Flouride and Water in another language? The plaque-causing bacteria in your mouth typically use glucose for food, but they try to consume xylitol too (even though they are unable to use it as a fuel source). I know they claim to be natural, but their ingredients are pretty surprising. Memoli also recommends using bentonite clay mixed with water as a natural detoxifying toothpaste or oral rinse. Id love suggestions from anyone! Since bentonite clay is extracted from the earth, it contains trace amounts of earth-based and naturally occurring elements, such as lead. Because of this, the State of California in the USA requires a Proposition 65 statement on the product that says it may not be appropriate for some women and children - even if there is only a miniscule amount of lead in their products. The only danger of toothpaste or any medicament in that matter when ingested in excess is risk of toxicity. Earthpaste is Ugly: We don't add chemicals to make . Fluoride is naturally occurring (so is lead) but that alone is not evidence it is not poisonous to humans. Anyone got a recommendation for Clay, Glycerine, Silica- free toothpaste that DOES contains Xylitol (preferably organic) and is free of other nastiest of course (sls, dyes etc)? I make my own toothpaste! Thanks for the recommendation. I havent had regular tap water in about 18 years. Some of you know me. And its finally here, http://www.amazon.com/TruthPaste-Natural-Toothpaste-Ayurvedic-Bentonite/dp/B00QU8WB5I. At least we arent drinking the fluoride (YAY). i dont trust any dentists anymore. But aluminum, lead and arsenic are pretty scary. She eats well and her teeth look great but with so much information pointing to flouride being the only way to have healthy smile, I cant help but second guess myself at times. YL toothpastes contain glycerin. It has been described as an all-colony immune system ingredient, but applied to their hive so they all benefit. My son went to the dentist the other day with his dad and our dentist told him that we have to use regular toothpaste to prevent cavities. I understand not wanting fluoride in your tap water, but I think having it in my toothpaste is worth avoiding all those cavities! I just switched from PowerSmile to primal life organically dirty mouth powder. In the West we are isolated and brainwashed away from the truth, unlike the Russians and Ukrainians who know the truth of the matter. Janee, Im super curious what, the natural toothpaste was that you used from PCC? and thus should be left up to the experts to interpret and provide recommendations. as well as the neem tree being high in lots of nutrients. Conclusion. The use of essential oils isnt recommended for babiesso what now? I have never had any problems or build up of plague. Pregnant mothers and those with infants and toddlers should also use my toothpaste to improve their own oral health. I have been buying tubes of pastes & sharing with our adult children & they like it too!! Since this clay is from the earth, it contains trace amounts of earth-based elements, including lead. You can prevent cavities with zylitol tooth paste. Ive only tried the Calendula and the Sea Salt ones, and my little ones use the Weleda Childrens Tooth Gel. We wouldnt be able to filter the whole house or even fit a distiller under the sink, so we use Berkey here at home with the additional filters too! I trust my dentist. We only source non-GMO certified xylitol that is made from birch and/or corn cobs. But thats going into organic chemistry. I heard that Earth Paste has high aluminum content in it. Read More Vanessa Layton July 10, 2020 Chemical Info. by Mommypotaumus and I made the toothpaste in there. I only use the Earthpaste when im feeling desperate for a minty taste in my mouth. The fact that companies often falter because the people who start the firms can't adjust quickly enough to their new roles and because the firm lacks a "track . We arent going to make any claims because we arent a medical association so you should follow your medical practitioners counsel. My sensitivity went away. We've used sensadine for years cause our teeth were sensative. We are so glad that our product helped you (and your smile!). Thanks, I got gum lesions from using baking soda, as it seems too harsh for gum line; tumeric will certainly be caustic; and peppermint oil is irritating. I personally use a plain jane fluoride cavity control toothpaste and have not had problems. Making your teeth softer.. I have been making my own toothpaste for years I use Miracle2 soap, distilled water, flavored oils. I was told of this entire scheme by a German chemist who was an official of IG Farben chemical industries and was also prominent in the Nazi movement at the time. No flouride or glycerin! That is what I love most about the Earthpaste toothpaste line by the Redmond Trading Company. I refuse to shop from companies that hide their ingredients. This is a paste and doesnt foam up, but leaves your teeth slick and clean like nothing Ive ever used before. It causes hypomineralization of tooth enamel bc of too much fluoride. Just in case you have any doubts that fluoride can eat through your teeth.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szL2Ofzvpcs. The information presented on this website is not intended as specific medical advice and is not a substitute for professional medical treatment or diagnosis. But PLEASE read. Check them out. Because of this, the state of California requires that we put a Prop 65 statement on the product that says it may not be appropriate for some women and children. clearly its doesnt help with cavities because they make money by the mouthful with the same cycle for the past 100 years that hasnt changed for drilling filling and billing. 6 Simple ingredients: Redmond Clay Nano Silver Real Salt Water Xylitol Essential Oils Other ingredients But do your teeth hurt without decay? Fortunately, our city doesnt fluorinate our water and hasnt for over a decade (yay!). quite simply fluoride is a waste product of the nuclear industry (and aluminium) one of the ways we get sodium fluoride is from the tailings that comes from uranium mining once 15% of the uranium has been extracted it then goes to the chemical fertiliser plant which is heated up in the smokestacks and the smoke is captured in the scrubbers this is labelled as fluorosilicic acid, it is radioactive and has the uranium decay components po210 and pb210 you can check the AWWA site for confirmation of this. Glad weve had well water for a while! As our family has changed all our products to the natural alternatives I have found that it is cheaper and fun to make lots of our own stuff, our favorite toothpaste recipe- 4 T baking soda, 1 T organic coconut oil, 1 -2 T distilled water to desired consistency, 1/2 t stevia extract to sweeten, 20 drops spearmint or peppermint essential oil. Oral Cancer Prevention. Thats what feels so frustrating about finding out that clay toothpaste has lead in it. And because you spit it out, it doesn't matter whether there are bad I do think that they could use a little less baking soda, but the licorice flavored one is wonderful! Im trying to understand what sensitive means. Here is the truth: Tooth decay is a DISEASE caused by bacteria. Besides, who in their right mind would leave dirty tooth scum sitting in their mouth after washing them?? They use the stuff in water/fish filters to scrub the air (adsorbing [yes, different than absorption] various molecules, meaning that it causes molecules to get stuck inside of its porous surfaces and also keeps them there by way of van der waals forces) in chemical processes as well as gas masks. all toothpastes are not same because some used chemicals which leads to create some monstrous problems. Our tests on clay toothpaste vs. clay toothpaste with charcoal show they whiten/remove stains about equally. You won't believe how clean your teeth feel! I was a happy lady to find that out! Spearmint Earthpaste doesnt contain xylitol, so if your dog likes a minty kick, they can enjoy Earthpaste and you can enjoy minty-fresh dog breath. It leaves my mouth feelin way cleaner and people have commented on my breath smelling better. Not Earthpaste. You dont need toothpaste to clean your teeth. Its potent too, but just use a very small amount. I did recently switch to Toms with fluoride. I have yet to try it but the ingredients listed are certified organic aloe, baking soda, non gmo xanthan gum, star anise essential oil, sea salt, organic fennel essential oil, & stevia extract. They said it would help with gums and bone loss. This is WRONG: Real Purity DOES have glycerin! I think I remember reading it can cause stomach problems in them. They are definitely on my list of greenwashing companies!!
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