[15] Corll, however, reportedly hated military service; he applied for a hardship discharge on the grounds that he was needed in his family's business. [78][n 3], Brooks later stated Henley was "especially sadistic" in his participation in the murders committed at Schuler Street and Henley later admitted to gradually becoming "fascinated" with "how much stamina people have" when the recipient of the act of murder. He subsequently cemented over the floor. Serial killer Henley grants interview. Brooks and Henley confessed to assisting Corll in several abductions and murders; both were sentenced to life imprisonment at their subsequent trials. His name was David Owen Brooks and Elmer Wayne Henley Jr. She met David in 1967 and turned him into her lover, She met Elmer two years later through David. Henley later compared the acceleration in the frequency of killings and the increase in the brutality exhibited by Corll towards his victims to being "like a blood lust", adding that he and Brooks would instinctively know when Corll was to announce that he "needed to do a new boy," due to the fact that he would appear restless, smoking cigarettes and making reflex movements. [198] The other youth, Willard Branch,[199] lived in the Oak Forest district of Houston. The real stories of Mindhunter season 2: Episode 4. This brand of cord was the same type used to strangle and bind the bodies of many of his victims. [287], This unidentified victim was found buried near the entrance to the boat shed between the bodies of Steven Sickman and Ruben Haney, whereas the bodies of the victims killed between December 1970 and May 1971 were found buried at the rear of the shed. Moreover, in one interview, Brooks claimed that Corll's first murder victim was a youth killed at an apartment complex located at 5313 Judiway Street, where Corll had lived prior to September 1970. Elmer Wayne Henley initially ignored Corlls offer, only changing his mind in early 1972 because he needed the money but Henleys later actions suggest that the money was only part of it. Once Henley agreed to help, he and Corll got into Corlls Plymouth GTX and began driving around looking for a boy. [88] The youth was savagely bludgeoned about the chest with a blunt instrument before he was strangled and buried in the boat shed. Elmer Wayne Henley, The Teen Accomplice Of 'Candy Man' Dean At the time of Konen's disappearance, Corll lived in an apartment on Yorktown Street, near the intersection with Westheimer Road. [72] Henley subsequently assisted Corll and Brooks in Aguirre's burial at High Island Beach. Aguirre agreed and followed the trio to Corll's home in his Rambler. [55]:2 Corll then ran out of the room, hitting the wall of the hallway. [53] The body was found buried beneath a large boulder,[54] covered with a layer of lime, wrapped in plastic, naked, and bound hand and foot with nylon cord, suggesting he had been violated. [225] Brooks also appealed his sentence, contending that the signed confessions used against him were taken without his being informed of his legal rights, but his appeal was dismissed in May 1979. [159] Police continued excavating through the earth of the shed, unearthing the remains of more victims in varying stages of decomposition. One of these individuals, 15-year-old John Harmon, had been a Heights teenager reported missing in 1971. [34] Although she often talked to her eldest son on the telephone, his mother never saw him again. Following Hurricane Ike in 2008, the area of High Island Beach where Corll is known to have buried his victims remains submerged,[30] leaving a strong possibility that Scott's body will never be found. Scott was tied to the torture board and suffered the same fate as Aguirre: rape, torture, strangulation, and burial at High Island Beach. [273][274] ML73-3378 was buried at Lake Sam Rayburn just 10 feet (3m) from the body of Homer Garcia, who had disappeared on July 7, 1973. classes in school. WebElmer Wayne Henley Jr. (nascido em 9 de maio de 1956) um serial killer e pintor americano condenado encarcerado no sistema do Departamento de Justia Criminal do Texas (TDCJ). The scattered skeletal remains were discovered within and close to plastic sheeting near an eroding sandbank. [192] The families of the murdered youths asserted that the police should have noted an insidious trend in the pattern of disappearances of teenage boys from the Heights neighborhood;[30] other family members complained the HPD had been dismissive of their adamant insistence that their sons had no reasons to run away from home. That afternoon, Henley accompanied police to Lake Sam Rayburn, where he, Brooks, and Corll had buried four victims killed that year. [158], Two prison trusties[22]:3649 began digging through the soft, crushed-shell earth of the boat shed and soon uncovered the body of a blond-haired teenaged boy, lying on his side, encased in clear plastic and buried beneath a layer of lime. Within two weeks of moving into this address, he had killed 17-year-old Joseph Lyles. Nonetheless, from June, Corll's rate of killings increased dramatically, and both Henley and Brooks later testified to the increase in the level of brutality of the murders committed while Corll resided at Lamar Drive. Com 15 anos Henley desistiu da escola secundria. Henley said the first abduction he participated in occurred during the time Corll resided at 925 Schuler Street, an address he moved to on February 19, 1972. Corll is known to have suffered from a hydrocele[103] in early 1973, which may have contributed to this period of inactivity. The other two victims, Charles Cobble and Marty Ray Jones, were abducted together on the afternoon of July 25. Henley himself later buried both youths' bodies in the boat shed. [124] His mouth had been taped shut and his ankles had been bound together. PASADENA, Texas - Convicted killer Elmer Wayne Henley directed Texas Equusearch Friday to the Pasadena home of Dean Corll, otherwise known as the Candy Man and the Pied Piper, one of his accomplices whom he shot to death. "[196], By May 1974, 21 of Corll's victims had been identified, with all but four of the youths having either lived in or had close connections to Houston Heights. Most victims were abducted from Houston Heights, which was then a low-income neighborhood northwest of downtown Houston. [74][75] In early 1972, he decided to accept Corll's offer because he and his family were in dire financial circumstances. to which Henley answered, "Yes." Hilligiest had been reported missing in the summer of 1971; the other two boys had been missing for just two weeks. The prosecution called dozens of witnesses, including Kerley and Ridinger. [197] Two more teenagers were identified in 1983 and 1985; one of whom, Richard Kepner, also lived in Houston Heights. [218] The following day, July 16,[55]:34 formal procedures to sentence Henley for the six guilty verdicts began, and on August 8, Judge Preston Dial ordered that Henley serve each 99-year sentence consecutively (totaling 594 years), and he was transferred to the Huntsville Unit to formally begin his sentence. [5] Mary subsequently sold the family home and relocated to a trailer home in Memphis, Tennessee, where Arnold had been drafted into the United States Air Force after the divorce, to allow her sons to remain in contact with their father. This enticement was typically an offer of a party or a lift, and the victim would be driven to Corll's house. Detective David Mullican, recollecting the Houston Mass Murders, April 2011. [312], There is still no conclusive evidence to suggest that Corll had ever solicited any of his victims in this manner, not only because the HPD chose not to pursue this potential possibility, but also because neither Brooks nor Henley ever mentioned having met any individuals from the "organization" Corll had claimed he was involved with. There are two suspiciously long gaps between known victims in the chronology of Corll's known murders. [30] Glass was an acquaintance of Brooks who, at Brooks' behest, had previously visited Corll's address. WebInicialmente, Henley foi um excelente estudante na escola; mas depois dos seus pais se divorciarem ele teve uma srie de trabalhos em tempo parcial para ajudar a sua me com problemas financeiros, e as suas notas desceram drasticamente. The unidentified victim mistakenly identified as Baulch had been killed by two gunshots to the head and buried inside the boat shed. [3], Dean Arnold Corll was born on December 24, 1939, in Fort Wayne, Indiana, the first child of Mary Emma Robison (1916-2010) and Arnold Edwin Corll (1916-2001). Corll and his accomplices are known to have killed a minimum of 28 teenagers and young men between September 1970 and August 1973, although it is suspected that the true number of victims is higher. As Corll was killed immediately prior to his murders being discovered, the true number of victims he had claimed will never be known. At the age of 15, Henley dropped out of high school. [15] In high school, Corll's only major interest was the brass band, in which he played trombone. [193] Waldrop stated that on one of the many occasions when he visited the HPD,[194] the police chief had simply told him, "Why are you down here? [113], On August 3, 1973, Corll killed his last victim, a 13-year-old boy from South Houston named James Stanton Dreymala. However, Scott saw Henley pointing a pistol toward him and according to Brooks, Scott "just gave up." [124], Corll then handed Henley a hunting knife and ordered him to cut away Williams's clothes,[131] insisting that, while he would rape and kill Kerley, Henley would do likewise to Williams. [62] In each of these abductions, Brooks is known to have been a participant. [5] Corll appeared to calm down and offered the trio beer and marijuana. It's known that he inspired John Wayne Gacy. [55]:31 Despite the assault, Brooks continued to assist Corll in the abductions of the victims. Bail for each youth was set at $100,000. You know your boys are runaways. [16], Corll graduated from Vidor High School in the summer of 1958. [92], On October 2, 1972, Henley and Brooks encountered two Heights teenagers named Wally Jay Simoneaux and Richard Hembree[93] walking to Hembree's home. [84] Before Corll vacated the address on June 26, Henley assisted Corll and Brooks in the abduction and murder of two youths named Billy Baulch and Johnny Delome. [22]:3647, Corll was drafted into the United States Army on August 10, 1964,[5] and assigned to Fort Polk, Louisiana, for basic training. Inside the lakeside log cabin owned by Corll's family, police found a second plywood torture board, rolls of plastic sheeting, shovels, and a sack of lime. How that man was able to go out to that storage shed, time after time, and bury one more dead boy is something I'll never understand. On another occasion during the time Corll resided at Schuler Street, Henley knocked Brooks unconscious as he entered the house. Following the decision to terminate the search for victims' bodies in August 1973, one lieutenant from the HPD is known to have remarked: "I don't know if [we have] found all the bodies or not", before adding, "What difference does it make?". The pegboard walls inside the rear of the van were rigged with several rings and hooks. The first of these victims, 17-year-old Steven Sickman, was last seen leaving a party held in the Heights shortly before midnight on July 19. [20] The same year, one of the teenaged male employees of Corll Candy Company complained to Corll's mother that her son had made sexual advances towards him. In his closing argument to the jury, District Attorney Carol Vance apologized for his not being able to seek the death penalty, adding that the case was the "most extreme example of man's inhumanity to man I have ever seen. "[127] He then repeatedly kicked Williams in the chest[30] before lifting Henley to his feet, dragging him into his kitchen and placing a .22-caliber pistol against his stomach, threatening to shoot him. [23] He was later assigned to Fort Benning, Georgia, to train as a radio repairman before his permanent assignment to Fort Hood, Texas. As a result of this diagnosis, Corll was told to avoid P.E. [308], During a routine investigation in February 1975, the HPD discovered a large cache of pornographic pictures and films depicting boys as young as eight, most of whom were from the Heights. Between 1970 and 1973, Dean Corll, aided by David Owen Brooks and Elmer Wayne Henley Jr., killed 26 young men in the Corll was known to give free candy to local children,[22]:3651 in particular teenage boys. Brooks was implicated with Elmer Wayne Henley and Dean Corll in the murders of at least 28 young men. [86], During the time Corll resided at Schuler Street, the trio lured a 19-year-old named William Ridinger to the house. [30] On June 4, Henley and Corll abducted 15-year-old William Ray Lawrence; the youth was last seen alive by his father on 31st Street. [30], Despite the revelations that Corll was, in reality, killing the boys he and Brooks had assisted in abducting, Henley nonetheless became an active participant in the abductions and murders. [287][289] This victim has been referred to as "John Houston Doe" since the discovery of his body. [200], On August 13, a grand jury convened in Harris County to hear evidence against Henley and Brooks: the first witnesses to testify were Williams and Kerley, who testified to the events of August 7 and 8 leading to the death of Corll. [22]:3644. [108][109] Five days later, on July 12, 17-year-old John Sellars of Orange County was bound, shot to death and buried at High Island Beach. The youth had rebuffed the trucker's offer to help free the car, stating he had two friends with him who would free the vehicle. He is last known to have phoned his parents claiming to need money in much the same manner as victims Charles Cobble and Marty Jones had been forced to telephone their parents before their murder. Henley's appeal was upheld and he was awarded a retrial in December 1978. These bodies were recovered between 12:05p.m. and 8:30p.m.,[173][174] and all were in an advanced state of decomposition. It was the largest of three mass graves where Corll and his helpers buried their victims. Web"Mama, I killed Dean," confesses Elmer Wayne Henley Jr. "Dean" refers to serial killer Dean Corll, who murdered at least 28 teenage boys and young men in Houston between [114][115] At Corll's home, Dreymala was tied to Corll's torture board, raped, tortured, and strangled with a cord before being buried in the boat shed. Corll ignored him and Henley then grabbed Corll's pistol, shouting, "You've gone far enough, Dean! He also joined Corll on the regular trips he took to South Texas beaches in the company of various youths, and later commented that Corll was the first adult male who did not mock his appearance. In a 2010 interview, he claimed to have attempted to persuade Corll not to assault and kill Aguirre once Corll and Brooks had bound and gagged the youth. [117][n 6] Brooks was not present at the time. [5], In several instances, Corll forced his victims to either phone or write to their parents with explanations for their absences in an effort to allay the parents' fears for their sons' safety. Williams then asked Henley: "Are you going to do anything about it? On September 13, 2010, DNA analysis was able to confirm that the unidentified victim known as ML73-3378 was actually Michael Anthony Baulch, who had incorrectly been identified as case file ML73-3333: the second victim unearthed from the boat shed. In addition, Brooks only knew the location of Konen's body at High Island Beach because Corll had shown it to him. "[182] In reference to the actual murders, Brooks stated his witnessing the victims' deaths "didn't bother [him]", adding "I saw it done many times. [104] After three days of abuse and torture, Lawrence was strangled before being buried at Lake Sam Rayburn. [310], The discovery raised the disturbing possibility that the statements Corll had given to both Henley and Brooks prior to his murder that he was associated with an organization based in Dallas which "bought and sold boys"[262] may indeed have held a degree of truth. Konen vanished while hitchhiking with another student from the University of Texas to his parents' home in Houston. [29] Corll is also known to have installed a pool table at the rear of the candy factory where employees and local youths would congregate. Both youths were tied to opposite sides of Corll's torture board and subsequently raped, strangled, and buried in a boat shed he had rented on November 17. [62][290] It is likely, though not conclusive, that the unidentified sixteenth victim found within the boat shed may have been killed in the late summer or early fall of 1971. Simoneaux and Hembree were enticed into Brooks's Corvette and driven to Corll's Westcott Towers apartment. [14], From 1954 to 1958 Corll attended Vidor High School, where he was regarded as a well-behaved student who achieved satisfactory grades. Ridinger was tied to the plywood board, tortured, and abused by Corll. Twenty-eight young boys killed in all, from 1970 to 1973. Bunton's family had always believed him to be a victim of Corll and had contacted Dr. Derrick in 2009 to submit a, In the confession given by Henley on August 9, 1973, the youth had stated that victim Mark Scott had been strangled and buried at High Island. Later the same year, Brooks moved back to Houston. [4] Corll's father was strict with his children, whereas his mother was markedly protective of both her sons. [77] The identity of this first victim Henley assisted in the abduction of remains unknown. "[195] The mother of Gregory Malley Winkle stated: "You don't run away (from home) with nothing but a bathing suit and 80 cents. Henley gave a verbal statement; stating he initially had believed the boys he had abducted were to be sold into a Dallas-based organization for "homosexual acts, sodomy, maybe later killing,"[147] but soon learned Corll was himself killing the victims procured. Both Henley and Brooks then led police to a location on High Island, where six bodies were discovered.Elmer Wayne Henley was convicted and sentenced to life in [16], By the time Brooks dropped out of high school, Corll's mother and his half-sister, Joyce, had moved to Colorado after the failure of her third marriage and the closure of Corll Candy Company in June 1968. I have to get it off my chest! [5] Henley began cutting away Williams's clothes as Corll undressed and began to assault and torture Kerley.
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