I too have had night terrors and strange vibrations in my body, that I know of nobody that feels the same way and its harder and harder to get up in the morning. 2. If Emery was larping, i.e. Just half an hour after we released Part Two, one of our top insiders we have been calling Paul was nearly killed in a head-on collision. Using his personal CE5 methods and protocols created after his experiences as a child, Emery will guide us on techniques to communicate with ETS that he had learned during his time working in classified projects as well as the civilian methods learned during his time as Vice President for CSETI. . now the fallen ones want to study us in order to learn the True knowledge of Eternal Life. ELABROATE PRECAUTIONS MEANT GETTING HIM TO COME FORWARD. Disclosure could get a lot more interesting, at a much faster speed, thanks to Emery. But they dont really use floors; they dont use chairstheyre just kind of there. ITS ABOUT TIME! This had occurred shortly after the last time I had released intel from him in August: The police said there was no traceable evidence of a break-in, despite clear boot-prints on the door where it was kicked in. So, Im glad Corey Goode is out there talking about this stuff, Greer is still talking about it, Wilcock is still talking about it, all these amazing people that you see at these meetings are talking about the science and the physics behind it, and trying to figure it out, and life experiences, which is important. I am using this blog post to make sure you are aware of some things. If you didnt know about that, you can search on you tube, there are lots of information from whistleblowers who worked for cia, fbi, private secret services. Many others are undoubtedly facing similar threats at this time. He claims he's educated to the point of having 3 PhDs if you put it all together, presumably in black programs. Remember if we have nothing insider of us that is better than those created angels or evil spirits, they would have not abducted some of us, experimented us, or genetically modified us, or scanned us to learn restricted things from G-d inside of us. If they were watching his finances through covert means publicized by Edward Snowden, then they knew he had gotten very close to absolute zero. Its kind of like having a pet or a car that only responds to the owner. The only vaccine not containing contamination was a veterinarian sample. This is what the insider said, in his own words, about Eisenhowers reaction when he was called in to be part of a team that would confront Area 51: http://exopolitics.org/eisenhower-threatened-to-invade-area-51-former-us-congress-members-hear-testimony/. 1. Lets take it to the next level, and let me give you all my information, and hopefully that will put in those pieces to that puzzle that weve all been waiting for, because its been hidden for way too long. So, theres always a positive and a negative: they might make a gun with one thing, but the same device is used to kill cancer, in a different wavelength but the same technology. I dont know how to proceed here Im pretty sure I got to be a stupid super secret astronaut for the government (Im having some problems that I wont go into detail here- but suffice to say, they aint normal). He was still very sick when he briefly woke up at 1:30 AM last night, but when he got up this morning, he was much, much, much better. Ive had a clot to the lung which left me with sleep apnea. I WENT INTO MORE DETAIL ABOUT THE THREATS ON NOVEMBER 12TH, 2017. Many things were left out of this update for Emerys own safety. My lung specialist the ideal range is 88% 95%, that you dont want 99% 100% blood oxygen levels because it will increase your blood gases (carbon dioxide levels) and youll get fluid build up in your ankles or heart for which youll need to take LASIX diuretic to pee out. Jesus said, My Father works until now. while he walked on this planet. Its not going to be one person. If these alien spaceships are so so advanced as the writer is saying, how come we are able to capture them ? Theyre not being open-minded enough to say And some of them cant help it; its not their fault. The letter appeared online following a series of hateful and false allegations against Gaia from an alleged Gaia Employee Movement, or GEM, including a petition on Change.org and other writings which have since been proven to be false. At this time on planet earth, in the larger global events designed for world slavery and extradimensional entities genocidal agendas, informed consent in this larger context is non-existent. So sorry to hear everything that has happened. Jake Carter is a journalist and a paranormal investigator who has been fascinated by the unexplained since he was a child. Where Emery worked at Sandia Labs, they simply called it a folder, perhaps as a way of reducing psychological impact., Once you hear him speak (and the full-length first episode will be made free online in January,) its hard not to be convinced that he is the real deal.. So, life would be a lot easier if we didnt have to work so much to pay our gas, coal and oil bills, and focus our energies on things wed like to do, and also expand our consciousness. This has GOT to STOP! Like, when I was working with the projects in New Mexico, we stumbled upon something, we couldnt figure it out, whether it was an extraterrestrial device or a craft, so we would call the other bases. WE ARE the GREAT ONES that were foretold and prophesied about! And once this polar cap melts on both sides a little bit more, and all these civilizations start showing up out of nowhere, the government, and the religious community, are going to have to respond to these new findings. Your email address will not be published. What we are seeing is that even the President of the United States was only given a little taste of what was going on at Area 51, even after threatening them. Ive done over 3,000 different specimens: not whole bodies, but just different parts of body tissues and whatnot to send for testingthey were testing everything. satisfaction in the knowledge that people all over the world were heard , and believe you. He claimed: These craft can actually go inter-dimensional, they can change shape with all of the occupants not knowing its happening and then reform again in different worlds and different dimensions, and different parts of the universe immediately. Reply. This was particularly significant because we had released more of his highly sensitive intel in that same article. This is a close-up showing he had a temperature of 103 at the time this was taken. So, these things are all suppressed. Emery Smith, SSP scientist and whistleblower Emery Smith interview with Jordon Sather, 2018 Hi, I'm Emery Smith; I'm 46 years old. Peace be with all of you. Yes, parts of the disclosures also documented that the dark forces have learned the coming ending. He also appears in the movie SIRIUS as one of the speakers, as do I but no one was aware of how much he really knew, including his friends and family. In Emerys case, it was the fever that could of damaged his brain, but his body was working extra hard so his O2 levels dropped a bit but still very good, and without the need to take deep breaths. As it says on the Gaia site at https://www.gaia.com/gaia-updates, Less than 3% of our members watch primarily any single series.. That does not mean we are backing down. Has his Dog Been Checked? No one is going to accept your worthless pieces of paper just because you say they have value. Emery's super duper brain supplement. The search and abduction was over in 90 minutes without me calling in the satellites! This is all very real. Why do we have to have underground tunnels with freeways, or these magnetic train systems? So they can actually give life to a craft and enthuse it with artificial intelligence or consciousness, or both. These and other incidents were extensively documented in articles I wrote on my website, divinecosmos.com. So, no time elapses, because they have their own atmosphere and they have their own gravity and they have their own little space that they have projected from this craft that keeps them completely encapsulated with it. Emery has had the opportunity to try out these smart suits, and they are quite spectacular, including giving you the ability to jump up to 30 feet high. Its just wild and chaotic. Theyre going to have to respond to all these amazing thingsAtlantis off the coast of Cuba. Upon returning to the White House, the agent and his boss relayed what they had seen at S-4. government and U.S. militaryare sick of whats going on. June 28, 2021 Emery Smith - Secret Space Super Soldier Exposed as A Fraud Please check out this video series by 'Vanilla Sky Dreaming' where she exposes Emery Smith as a complete fraud. New Briefings: Alliance Seizing Trillions Stolen By Deep State, Preparing to Give It Back, Critical Moment in Deep State Takedown is Happening Now. Preclinical and clinical studies have suggested the benefit of using concentrated autologous bone marrow . He is not afraid to challenge the official narratives and expose the cover-ups and lies that keep us in the dark. His health was also very bad, with what he believed was pneumonia. I am very happy to report that after a great deal of telephone work, Emery was able to get Paypal to un-freeze his account. The Oxygen Saturation level was at 91, and had come up a point from 90, which is extremely dangerous. It was a big, bulky SUV. You may have seen him in the film Sirius, as he was dissecting the Atacama Humanoid body. Unfortunally , I,m not someone wealthy to help you out financially , but I hope you find some We are hearing that the Antarctic Atlantis storyline is still very much on the table if the Deep State really gets in trouble and it is very likely that they will. At one point the medical staff considered moving him to a more sophisticated hospital, but they were worried that if they moved him, he would die. For me , youre a great man, really brave , and I thank you herefore. Emery Smith Portals, Ley lines, Other Worlds & Humanity Whats REALLY Going On? https://youtu.be/rVZk8EMGYX0. The people that are keeping these technologies from us are referred to as The Cabal, Majestic Twelve, the 300 major corporations that run the planet. Heres the update I wrote to the last article about this, in case you may have missed it: BEGIN UPDATE WEDNESDAY 12/27, 11:33 AM: EMERY SMITH HIT WITH VERY SERIOUS ATTACK, https://divinecosmos.com/start-here/davids-blog/1223-targeted-arrests?showall=&start=1. Yet, Christ paved a new and distinct way for humans to be saved through this fall. PUBLIC APOLOGY AND CLARIFICATION FROM DAVID WILCOCK REGARDING GAIA INC. False statements, assumptions and conclusions have been circulating regarding Gaia and my resignation from Gaia that I want to correct. I will continue forward with my work to expose the true root of the problems we are facing in the world today, and I feel that Gaia is playing a critical role in our progress towards Full Disclosure. A lot of the craft are organic material which means only the driver of that race can operate the vehicle due to their frequency of the genetic DNA and the frequency that they are emitting. So, what are we doing? Additionally, Paypal locked up his account after only allowing a very small amount into his bank, citing a fraud investigation.. It has been reported that Smith said he was based at an ultra-secret section of the huge Kirkland Air Force Base in New Mexico, USA. This is an excerpt from ascensiongallery.com on the Three Core Principals: These three core principles of informed consent are important to understand, as they correlate to the tipping point that must be reached for the human Collective Consciousness to be awakened into the thresholds of accepting the higher frequency reality. There, Smith claims work is taking place on extraterrestrial technology harvested from alien beings and their crashed or captured spaceships which would change the world as we know it. Change). In no way was Gaia aiding and abetting the Cabal, or whatever we choose to call our shared adversary. The Deep State obviously wants to make other insiders afraid to come forward. I have something in common with you. Its going to clear up real quick, this atmosphere, once we stop that. So it appears that the Cabal is fast tracking this technology for control. Significantly, the FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover, was also present during the debriefing of the CIA agent and his boss over what they had witnessed at S-4 and Area-51. That technology being released also affects everything that we do here, such as getting water from the atmospherejust making it, appearing in your glass, purified water. What I AM saying is that the Cabal is on the verge of a mass, public exposure. Emery has provided detailed accounts of autopsying over 3,000 alien specimens, and over 1200 nearly complete bodies. [Free Ebook!]. Now you are getting this for the first time. Liked. They knew that it is true and have prepared. However, legally defined valid Informed Consent has three components; a. disclosure of the information in a truthful way to make an autonomous decision, There were reportedly over 3,000 people who bought tickets to the conference. I do believe it is important that we have freedom of speech, and I articulated my own spiritual and philosophical views in five and a half years worth of weekly episodes of Wisdom Teachings, as well as in other programs. Certain individuals could throw off the narrative the Cabal is trying to spin more than others. I believed that he would not be safe unless he did so, as Publicity is Protection. A series of very violent and suspicious events occurred soon after he decided to come forward on Gaia. Whether its told to us or not! Vanilla Sky Dreaming 16.8K subscribers Subscribe 717 48K views 1 year ago Hey guys! This may very well have been a move that saved his life, even though it brought the impact even closer to his side of the car. We may literally have saved his life with the power of collective consciousness. Of course, there are always the classic spheres, egg shapes, and the disc shapes. This might not feel like more than a bug bite, but it could easily be loaded with viruses or pathogens that could make you develop a sudden, huge fever. Latest Aston Villa news, analysis and fan views; . Emery seems to be in desperate need of psychological help. We need to understand how these attacks are done, quantum AI with the help of nanites or nanotechnology, about able to see what a human is seeing and hear what a human is hearing, also are able to read the any human though anywhere in the world, now quantum ai and plan any attack on anybody on the planet earth. David and others has spread much information of the dark side from those claimed insiders, but there are great things happening on the bright side as well. You trade one item of value for another that is also seen to have value. So were talking about hundreds of years of the same thing, just trying to improve it, when theres already anti-gravity. (LogOut/ This letter was taken out of context by some in our community who made sweeping conclusions about what it said, and turned them into malicious accusations they directed against Gaia. The Golden thread that weaves his work together is the science of Ascension - a solar-system-wide transformation that elevates earth and humanity to a higher phase of spiritual advancement. I took that as a sign that I should quit the job to balance the Karma between myself and those people at the job. These types of vehicles are so amazing, they are usually made in space through harmonics and frequency. The same globalists that are wanting to inject you with multiple jabs to detach your spirit from your humanity. Smith claims that this technology which is thousands of years ahead is being suppressed from public knowledge. One of the best in the world for lungs and kidneys. This time they dig much deeper into Emery's military background, the hierarchy inside bases, and so much more. I would drop to 52% blood oxygen level 7x night!! A lot of the craft are organic-material-consciousness technology, which means only the driver or that race can actually operate the vehicle, due to the frequency of the genetic DNA and the frequency that theyre emitting. I suppose the aliens got Stockholm syndrome and felt sorry we abused them. Em, sending you prayers, well wishes and love. the doctor asked how im alive. We have enough light workers, starseeds, volunteers and light here to help those with the transition!!! Luckily, he escaped with whiplash and a concussion and nothing more severe, other than the final loss of everything he owned. These are notes taken during one of his talks. Ships with such high capabilities will have tech beyond our imagination. I had been telegraphing for three days via electronic communication that I was writing the big one i.e. So again, please send Emery your thoughts, prayers and good wishes, and if you feel inclined to donate, now would be the time. She was trapped in the strange altered reality of Emery Smith. I AM NOT even in FEAR about this and Im the one living here!!!! Groundbreaking Area 51 Insider Bob Lazar 30-Year Anniversary: Alpha and the Omega. He is a cosmic reporter of poignant news and events in the Ascension timeline and drama. Someone obviously ordered this attack. Emery was extremely distraught, as expressed in other personal texts I will refrain from sharing. I was originally going to add this as an additional update to the last article. News; Tiny Mummy's . Normally the Deep State would simply roll out a whole mess of troll videos trying to discredit Emery and make him look bad, for whatever reason. I tried so hard to do a good job but the harassment just got worse and worse until I felt I had to quit before I lashed out at someone. Tell us we can handle it, we CAN and WILL handle it! (LogOut/ The last worldly possession he still owned was the vehicle. The historian compared artificial intelligence with nuclear weapons, Mysterious Saucer Spotted in Motocross Group Photo in Peru, Las Vegas residents puzzled by bright lights in the night sky, Greetings, explorer! Achille dans la mythologie grecque avait sa propre faiblesse! Only then would we really be able to figure out whos who in the zoo, and have some idea of the vulnerabilities of potentially hostile races. Here is what I wrote about it at the time, and posted into the existing article as an update: https://divinecosmos.com/index.php/start-here/davids-blog/1221-4chan-wikileaks, UPDATE III, SAME DAY [OCTOBER 22ND, 2017], 3:43 PM: TRAGEDY, BUT MUCH GREATER LOSS AVERTED. So glad to know Emery made it through this horrific event. Latest episode of Cosmic Disclosure, yet again with Emery Smith. Immediately after posting this, the Saudi Mass Arrests articles hit counter ended in 666. (15:00) The issue that we have right now is that people all around the world are still being (skeptical). They didnt get here on rocket fuel coming from a million light-years away, so, how did they do it? Well, theyre making their own energy. David Wilcock is a professional lecturer, filmmaker and researcher of ancient civilizations, consciousness science and new paradigms of energy and matter. Hello David, We are taking multiple precautions to ensure his future safety. And thats what theyre trying to figure out now is how to harvest that. Paul turned away from the car to try to change the impact angle and reduce the severity of the crash at the very last second. Furthermore, everything business-related gets delayed around the holidays, making it even tougher. Stellar Explorer $29.99/Month: Submit up to 3 questions EVERY WEEK in advance for Emery to pick from and answer exclusively for the Stellar Explorers live . Ive also been in/out of the ER for over 6 years with chronic cellulitis infection in my left leg. Stellar Human $9.99/Month: Watch and listen ONLY. I am a fire baptized fasting and praying prophet/apostle of Jesus Christ! It also severely attacked everyones credibility and caused our own public to turn on us, having no idea what was going on. The story had an unexpected twist, well after I first heard the news. Its not like a lot of buttons; theres no steering wheels or cockpit like everyone thinks there is when you walk in these. It is going together, hand in hand, with attacks from direct energy weapons. If our own elected officials have no access to such potentially significant programs, going all the way back to Eisenhower, we have a very serious problem on our hands. Much more documentation will follow. We are taking elaborate precautions to ensure his future safety. As far as the projects, it was always fascinating every year, as you get higher security clearances, to also see technologies, and extraterrestrials working with humans, against their will at one time, and then seeing them becoming a family and being happy that theyre helping us because they feel really sad for us. Definitely describes ice dart technology : a poisonous, toxix dart shot into the body, melts away, not detectable in the body upon death. As far as I suspect, there are no employees within Gaia who are involved in this, or who had anything to do with it. These crafts can actually go interdimensional. I see that as a long term plan to lower our guard. Shae aka Kyotey. I was very sorry about the dog. Emery Smith's former fianc says he is a fraud and a liar?Truthseekers is produced by Spectral International, LLCFollow Steven Cambian on twitter : @stevencambianJoin our Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/stevencambianDonate by paypal : https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=channel_banner\u0026redir_token=QUFFLUhqbVhiLWMyZVlkczNONGtZancwWUZTUVpsdlZyZ3xBQ3Jtc0tsb3Rzdkh5NF94TWZRU2ZZcHZBTjFqQUFjcTQ0V2xNQ2VSdHdfSnRGOWthcUNIbnV1U3lmcldaX01VVzRVRGZ5TXlBOTBnWWFiSkJoZUx0ay05amtNa0RWRHF2QXZCc2pueDFaWmNqZ3BWNnBXc1hVbw\u0026q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.paypal.com%2Fcgi-bin%2Fwebscr%3Fcmd%3D_donations%26business%3Dtruthseekershow%2540gmail.com%26item_name%3DSupport%2Bof%2BTruthseekers%2Bshow%26currency_code%3DUSD%26source%3DurlListen to the audio podcast : https://www.spreaker.com/user/14526799Join our Discord server : https://discord.com/invite/CbcDYhcnEmail us : [email protected] Just look at India: all of their wells are completely destroyed from lead and arsenic. I witnessed many different craft in these projects. you shall not act as their propaganda agent(s) even if you deem that you are doing disclosure of their deeds. He described seeing a Gray alien at the S-4 facility that his boss partially interviewed. Therefore, I have theorized that the Cabal is trying to clean it up before either being exposed or attempting a Partial Disclosure. The day after we announced his coming forward, he was hit with an attack that landed him in the emergency room. the fallen angels or demons are working in full strength in order to win their war against our Savior Christ. The police were so intimidated by all of this that they refused to even go inside and investigate. Its UNETHICAL and goes AGAINST UNIVERSAL LAWS!!!! 52% 7x per hour for the 7hr sleep study. It was a combined operation. For this same reason I told Emery that he needed to document his visit to the emergency room with as much photographic evidence as possible. Stars George Noory Emery Smith See production, box office & company info Watch on Gaia with Prime Video Channels Add to Watchlist Photos Add photo Top cast George Noory Self - Host Emery Smith I feel it is very important that we do this. WHY DID WE POST SOMETHING ON OCTOBER 22ND? His oxygen level went down to 90 percent, which when coupled with the enormously high fever could very easily have killed him. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The Omega Project to bring in the Fourth Reich and the New WorldOrder. Their plan does NOT revolve around me or my work. slowly boiling the water, all frogs die in unawareness. IT BEGINS: Epstein Indicted, Black-Ops Mega-Base Destroyed! Anyone who read this letter online did not know or understand why various things may have been said. Something Very Big, Part III: Saudi Mass Arrests Sign of Impending Cabal Defeat?. I wasnt really allowed in the early years to know anything about what I was dissecting. I came across this video that looks like a congressional hearing type of thing where someone is being questioned and explaining this exact technology. With that being said, we will not let Emerys life be in vain. Victoria. So, we dont have to live like we do now. Tell us were not ready, we, especially the sleeping ones wont be. These attacks reek of desperation on behalf of the Deep State. Like I said, one of them, like I explained one time, looked like an upside-down (bundt) cake. There is no fraud going on here. There are plenty of movies, television shows, video games and the like that have prepared us for the type of cosmic disclosure that Emery Smith is bringing to the table. When these ships come into our space time they become vulnerable to attack by certain weapon systems that DEEP STATE & the HIGH CABAL, Globalists, and others at this low level of energy intention can capture them. Emery Smith does not claim to work for NASA but the Civil Aerospace Medical Institute. Again, Emery has no smoking gun that can absolutely prove everything Corey is saying is true. . Some, if not many of them will be paid Deep State trolls, who are probably told horrible lies about us to make them feel good about what they are doing. Youre all right. To enslave you as a chipped prisoner. Tompkins testimony is of almost singular importance in establishing the origins of the Secret Space Program during WWII for the US, as one example. I believed that he would not be safe unless he did so, as "Publicity is Protection." A series of very violent and suspicious events occurred soon after he decided to come forward on Gaia. Our night struggles are created with artificial frequencies. Well wipe the sleepiness and salve from our eyes, just let the light in!!!! Not for just the SATANIC few or corporate few that in itself is discrimination! At this point, the lack of informed consent as the result of non-disclosure of true and accurate events on this planet, establishes GROSS NEGLIGENT ABUSE, which can directly lead to multiple species GENETIC ANNIHILATION as well as other DEVASTATING CONSEQUENCES., Thank you for taking the time to read this. The Range Rover was the last item of value that Paul still owned, and it was destroyed beyond repair in the collision. After that, I started losing my companies. They pulled off about 50 Meters away and took my dog and accelerated away! This was seen as very valuable. Since 2013, anomalien.com has been delivering the latest and most captivating news and articles on UFOs/UAPs and everything else that defies explanation or logic. Given such, I apologize to Gaia, its employees and the entire Gaia community as I would never intend to disparage Gaia. He is rewriting entire branches of science and leading a new narrative of human history, one that includes races of highly advanced beings that we share earth and space with. As to my last comment on this blog, I further stand by my last statement on FULL DISCLOSURE and that WE ARE READY! Hope you read this ; I feel sorry for you for what they did to you. He thought he had pneumonia. Right before his health collapsed, three black SUVs followed him and abducted his dog Raven. Various scholars have interpreted these texts in different ways, and some of those interpretations were discussed in the show. She with colleagues wrote a Scientific article indicating that of many vaccines studies, they contained metal contamination including Aluminum and Titanium. S1:E1. MOMENT OF TRUTH: Q Anon Discloses Secret Space Program. It is a legitimate academic pursuit to discuss Gnosticism, the Nag Hammadi texts and the various interpretations of them. Your [url]Watersprite[/url]. I learned all about Karma from you. I am sure almost 100 percent that Emery was hit with direct energy weapons. Therefore, all people interested to serve the disclosure movement can benefit through the comprehension of the higher principles of informed consent and the lack thereof, to open dialogue on the ethical implications this has made against the human race, as the demand for full disclosure grows stronger and becomes more unified. We will probably write a separate update about these events. Nothing about this incident appeared on this website until October 22nd, 2017, two months and one week later. dont lose track of the massive work we just released on Christmas Day about mass indictments and targeted arrests of the Deep State.
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