The story goes like this - basically, the Republic has broken the treaty with the Selkath and the Sith and has gone underwater in Manaan. Follow the corridor around to the north and youll be trapped inside a chamber and the pressure is going to be released. He'll thank you and give you 500 Credits. The local race, the Selkath, are selling them a special plant with healing properties and they have to put up with each other or risk losing their trading agreements. Webkotor poison shark or destroy machinery. As soon as you leave the Sith Base, you are apprehended by the Selkath authorities. Continue on this way, saving occasional just in case, and you will generally be able to beat Malak. Here's how the combat should go down after freeing (or absorbing) the captured Jedi souls: Use Force Wave to knock Malak down, then perform one of the following: Heal, stim up, cast a Jedi protection power, do a distance attack like Throw Lightsaber. You can actually refuse the credits, and you'll get Light Side points if you want. To the east are two pressure doors that both lead into the same building. Darth Malak's intentions with Bastila are the same as they were with sending a slew of Sith Soldiers and Dark Jedi/Dark Jedi Apprentices after you - he has no intentions of her beating you, but it'll slow her down until he can do what he needs to do with the Star Forge. I have black mailed the court before. Theres a door up ahead and a door to the east. Quickly skip through the dialogue and get to the fight to preserve your stimulants. You can now go back the way you came and then north through the disabled force field. Go back to the beginning of this corridor and through that door, into the next corridor. How do I get past the elevator in the Sith Base. It has been a while so I don't remember the exact choices. I wouldn't recommend the method if you're playing Light Side though, as poisoning the shark and later reporting it to Roland Wann gives you Dark Side points. The movement underwater is extremely, extremely slow moving. After you've obtained the Data Module from the Broken Droid and the Datapad from the northeastern most room you're free to leave the base. Disable it and then search the footlocker near the top of this room to find another Sonic Emitter, a Medpac and another Scientist's Memo . This Light Side walkthrough, however, is only a slight variant on the events of the Star Forge. It'd be repetitive for me to repeat all of the talk you'd have with the two scientists, but they do leave you with two choices in which to stop the madness underwater here. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. WebKotor is a coastal town in Montenegro, surrounded by fortifications built during the Venetian period. The Sith will unconditionally win the war. Transfer from injector to container. The trial will end and youll be free to go. Answer his questions as honestly as you want, or straight-out lie; simple facts when the trial gets underway will set you free my dear man. Simply tell the truth, because lying will not help in this case. Once through the door you'll face off with two more of these droids guarding another door. The door behind them leads to the second deck of the Star Forge. Then, go back up to the Republic Embassy via your submersible. Help the Jedi fight these foes off and search their bodies for any goods. Queedle Manaan Swoop Racing. Kill off the Sith soldiers, Dark Jedi and the gun turrets strewn about this area. The trade-off in terms of the game is that on the Light Side you fight Bastila but don't have to fight your own companions (remember when you killed Jolee?) Practice the track first until you feel confident. In order to gain access to the Sith Base you'll have 3 choices, decrypt the Sith passcard, interrogate the Sith prisoner or break into the private hangar in the Docking Bay. WebA giant firaxan shark called the Progenitor is guarding the Star Map on Manaan, and the player has to either poison it or destroy the kolto harvesting machine to let the shark grant In addition, you'll get 600 experience points! Experience Points (XP) Received: 1200 Killed the giant firaxan shark Unlike real life it's best to represent yourself in this trial and you'll want to either give the Selkath the Datapad you found Or you'll need to convince them that you were there on diplomatic reasons and the Sith double-crossed you. Find Roland Wann (in the same place he was before, behind that little computer terminal in the first room of the Republic Embassy). Go to the small, vacant room to your right, where you'll find two footlockers. Tank Pressure Controls Here are the steps needed to get the container to 4 million sangen of pressure and make it explode. When you do this, in this order, and you do it properly, you'll explode the kolto machine, putting the beast that was going insane to rest. Once down here, you can find a footlocker in the back end of the submarine hangar which holds 2 Repair Kits. Now, check to see if KOTOR keeps crashing. Guarding the doorway are four Dark Jedi. I wanted to kill a giant firaxan shark, so I poisoned it. Simply tell the truth, because lying will not help in this case. Once you're inside the Sith Base our main story objective includes obtaining the Data Module and the Datapad. This page was last edited on 3 August 2017, at 19:33. Slice into the computer system in the computer room of the Republic Base for a hidden recording showing Sunry killing Elassa. Youll find the Swoop Race registration in the Ahto East. Tell her that Malak is wrong and that you love her. The room that leads to the submarine is located deep in the Republic Embassy. Note: Once we uncover the PC secret ending, we will add it to this section. Go into the oceans, now, and lets find that Star Map! Take the door north and then head towards the west. Talk to Roland at the reception desk and ask him about the Star Map, he'll have information for you but will be unable to tell you anything until you help him out first. You'll need to kill them before you proceed. Work your way into the next room and take out the Selkaths. There are plenty of other DS opportunities on Manaan that can make up for that single LS act. Transfer from injector to container. Kono says that you should poison it, and has given you a canister of some sort of blister agent they developed to use against the sharks. Go to the Manaan Docking Bay and open the door to the Private Hangar - it's marked on your map. Inserted throughout this final piece of our walkthrough are the Dark Side differences, so that even those on the Dark path can fulfill their destiny. Tell the Selkath Bwalass that you dont need an arbiter. Do not engage the droids in combat. If you destroyed the station, you'll have their respect and gratitude. Make sure you be careful with what you say to the Selkath Court because you can be sentenced to death if you lie to them or admit your guilt. Hack and spike all of the six computers, using six Computer Spikes per computer (you should have plenty, you'll need 36 total), telling the computer to destroy itself. WebIf you poisoned the shark, you'll be permanently banned from Manaan unless you do not give self-incriminating answers to the court (see above), and threaten them in turn. 2. You may need a friend (or a third hand) to pull this off. You can hack the computer and ask it to create you a custom-made robe, along with some powerful weapons. The first part is not terribly difficult, but don't be fooled into thinking this is an easy battle by any means. It is located on the Bay of Kotor, one of the most indented parts of the Adriatic Sea. You'll be able to speak with both Kono and Sami after you stop the depressurization process. Shoot yourself up with one of every single battle stimulant in your possession and cast Force Immunity on yourself (if you have it). 6th Answer: 7. The idea is that Force Wave knocks Malak back and down each time, giving you the chance to perform one (and sometimes two) actions before he gets up. When all six are deactivated, the door holding Malak opens, and the droids cease to function. It's definitely worth visiting here a few times throughout the game since the vendor here sells some of the best items in the entire game. The machinery had woken up a giant firaxan shark. With that knowledge the poisoning becomes one of, if not the darkest choice you could make in the game. To kill the shark - the dark side option - I seem to recall it being as simple as selecting the right option when interacting with the tank controls. Step 3. You'll immediately be attacked by a group of Sith enemies, once defeated you'll be able to ride the nearby elevator up into the Sith Base. I hope it'll work for you. There youll find Shasa and the Selkath youth who are learning the ways of the dark side of the force. You'll eventually come to the Kolto Control Panel. By putting it in the harvesting machine and venting it, it will spread through the water and It seems Sunry was lying but do you want to bring this up in court? Itll cost you 20 credits for a practice run. The battle with Malak is broken into two parts. 2.Then find ''swconfig'' 3.When you open ''swconfig'' you'll see ''Disable Movies'' 4.Turn it off. If you persuade him hell take them off your hands for you. Did I screw myself over? Alternate EndingIf you want to see a special ending, save your game right before opening the door. 5. Once you've acquired both you can head out to the Sea Floor via the Pressure Door in the southern portion of the area. By putting it in the harvesting machine and venting it, it will spread through the water and This worked for me. 2. You can persuade your way out of paying the fee if you have the skill. There are three ways to enter the Sith Base,interrogating the prisoner, decrypting the passcard and raiding the landing bay. This is the right time.
This is the right place.
WHY IS NOTHING THE SAME? Make certain to heal often. Run to the door on the other side of the corridor. Transfer from injector to container. Web1. He wants you to recover a droid that was taken by the Sith. Fill injector pod Note: This final level of the walkthrough was written from the perspective of having rejected Bastila's offer to take your place as Dark Lord of the Sith. The Star Map is at the east end of the trench, on the other side of the Hrakert Rift. Kill them all, then run down the corridor and swing left at the end of it. If you destroyed the machinery then telling them about the giant firaxan shark at any point allows you to retain the freedom of the city: The next time you return to the West Central courtyard from the docking bay, if you speak to the Port Official then he tells you the docking fee is now 500 credits: However, the door to the courtyard is still open, so ignore this. (My first playthrough). The very end of that corridor leads back to the original corridor, so you'll have some idea of where you are. Keep an eye on your health throughout this long battle, and remember the vital words I told you earlier - if one of your party members here dies, he won't be revived (as it has been throughout the game) until the battle is over. When asked for proof tell the judges you have a datapad showing the Sith are to blame. Go straight back in this corridor to a computer console. If it's still alive: [Now that the kolto harvesting machine has been destroyed, the great Firaxan shows no signs of hostility. holding fing in the the five holding fing then fill the three Fill injector pod. Good times all around. The first part of the battle is fairly simple. your done. If you are on a LS playthrough the choice is easy, right? This was me in my first playthrough actually, like sure the poison could possibly harm the Kolto preventing harvesting but it would 100% get rid of the shark, where as destroying the machinery would 100% stop kolto harvesting but With this said, heal often and save your game often as well. There's a pressurized door locked from the other side there, and a dud-door on the left. You'll have to fight her several times here (and somehow she regains her strength while you stay at what you were), but the fight is more symbolic. Choose whatever guide you need for the planet you're going to below. Disable the Read-only Feature of the Game. When Malak gets up, quickly cast Force Wave again. For the map location of each area check my Manaan Companion Guide. How do I solve the decryption for the sith passcard ? The container now has 4 million sangen pressure and will explode. This worked for me. I forget exactly how i did it, but here it the answer: Fill injector. Help the Jedi fight these foes off and search their bodies for any goods. Make sure you check the chests along the way and pick up a Sonic Emitter. He'll tell Darth Malak that the droids could not hold the Jedi. It'll get you Light Side points, but feeding poison into the ocean will get you Dark Side points and kicked off of Manaan. Once the trial is over your charges will be dropped and you're free to go. Korriban - It's typically best to save the Star Map on Korriban for last; after finishing the Leviathan. Go forward through the door now, where you'll find a purple force field blocking your way through one of the corridors. Interrogate Sith Prisoner: The interrogation with this Sith Prisoner works a lot like the one on Korriban with truth serum. Plug a second controller in the Xbox. Additionally, it's taking mercenaries left and right to protect the Republic people down below from dangerous Manaan creatures, but most have died. Right-click the swkotor.exe file and select Properties. Destroy the machine that agitates the shark. But when the conversation is over, you can certainly go back up to the surface yourself and take care of the final side quest on this planet Head back up to the surface and work your way to the Ahto City Cantina vicinity. Otherwise go into the computer room and try to decrypt the passcards from there. Once inside your cover will be blown and youll have to fight. Millions, probably billions of people will die because of it even if the damage lasts for an year or two (there is a chance that it could also last way longer than that). Then, go through the next door to an empty room. You're going to want to head to the Republic Embassy next where you'll want to speak with Roland and give him the Data Module. Do not approach until you've used the control panel to poison it or destroy the harvesting machine. Youll have another dream on your way to Manaan, showing the location of the Star Map. Since this battle is so epic, you'll be short-handed for a very long time. If I was in front of the Control Panel I would deem the risk of letting the shark live to be FAR too great. I hope it'll work for you. The robes are specific to your character, whether you are Dark or Light side and offer the best rob bonuses in the game! Enter one of them. If you ban us, I'll tell that the kolto is destroyed! Once you go far up enough, a Dark Jedi will talk with Darth Malak and tell him that the Jedi have landed on the Star Forge. It is located on the Bay of Kotor, one of the most indented parts of the Adriatic Sea. Go forward through the door now, and through another door, where you'll run into a Twi'lek. You'll run into a few more droids, but nothing major. Once through the door, Bastila will greet you. Once you land youll be asked to pay another docking fee of 100 credits. Thankfully BioWare kept the last stage fairly simple for us in layout, but difficult in enemy encounters just how I like it. . I wonder if one of the game authors here will update a faq describing this method. How do I get into the training room in the sith base on Manaan? The Data Module is required to give to Roland at the Republic Embassy and the Datapad solves the Kidnapped Selkath Youth Side Quest, it's also a get out of jail free card for what comes next. Speak with everyone here and ask them about Sunry and Elassa. Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Has Perfected Lightsaber Combat, Project Milo Was a Big Swing (and a Miss) at Leveling Up Game AI, Moon Mystery - Official Kickstarter Trailer, Resident Evil 4 Clockwork Castellan Locations. The only other ending is the alternate ending explained above. You overloaded the fuel tanks for the kolto harvesting machinery and caused it to explode. Fix 4. Once you get to Malak, you'll have a cutscene and then the battle, so now is your chance to prep. It's not my fault! Here you'll fight a heavily armed Sentry Droid. Experience Points (XP) Received: 1200 Killed the giant firaxan shark Type in devmgmt.msc in the Run box and click OK in order to run it. And with what said, four Dark Jedi come through the doors and engage in battle with the Jedi and your party. Here you'll fight a heavily armed Sentry Droid. Do Eric benet and Lisa bonet have a child together? Take out his shield and go in for the kill. This was me in my first playthrough actually, like sure the poison could possibly harm the Kolto preventing harvesting but it would 100% get rid of the shark, where as destroying the machinery would 100% stop kolto harvesting but Behind you and to your right are two more doors we need to explore. You found one of the Star Maps in the ruins it had been guarding. Head back to the Republic Base in East Central. Decrypt Sith Passcards: (Video of me decrypting Sith passcard) You will be asked a series of math questions and you'll have to choose the correct answer. Kidnapped Selkath Youth For locations on every point of interest check my Manaan Companion Guide. 1.Open your KOTOR's data folder. Go into the doors behind Roland and youll see the prisoner. A Sith diplomat will be there. HK-47, as always, is a wise choice as your third character. . En route you'll run into Darth Bandon and two Jedi Knights. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Walk all the way to the west to the West Lounge and take out the Assault Droids and Sith Heavy Trooper. If only you could go back in time to stockpile them Further, the Republic Hiring Mercenaries and Missing Selkath quests can no longer be activated or completed because the Selkath Nilko Bwaas and Shaelas won't talk to you. No matter which approach you choose there is no Light Side or Dark Side Points to be had - even the pure combat approach will not earn you any points. Take out his shield and go in for the kill. Scan this QR code to download the app now. and on the Dark Side you have to battle some of your companions (and don't get to use them in Star Forge since they're dead), but not Bastila. Disable the Read-only Feature of the Game. All we need in this area for our primary story quest is an Environmental Suit and a Sonic Emitter. Theyll give you two options for defeating the giant Firaxa shark, use poison or destroy the harvester. Gamer Walkthroughs --- Contact Us --- Privacy ---, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowabunga Collection Released, Starship Troopers: Terran Command Released. From here, you'll want to leave the room you're in with Bastila through the east doorway (the only other door in the room that'll open for you). Once through the door, the next onslaught of Sith soldiers and Dark Jedi will begin. Take out his shield and go in for the kill. Youll be appointed as the Arbiter. Completely avoid the battle and run up to the computer console on the side of each of the droid computers. When you leave the Sith Base youll be placed under arrest. However, telling them about the giant firaxan shark if you killed it will also result in being banned: There's only one sequence of responses that allows you to retain the freedom of the city: Although you go unpunished, there are consequences. 2022-06-30; the dangers of tradition commonlit Copyright Once again the Selkath will detect the explosion and take you in for questioning. holding fing then empty the five holding fing then put the three Darth Malak isn't surprised at all and tells the Dark Jedi to dispatch the ancient fleet of battle droids on the Star Forge to take care of the intruders. Click on the Start menu, type in Device Manager with Start menu open, and select it from the list of results by simply tapping the top result. With the machine gone, the giant firaxan shark lost interest and returned to wherever it had laired. Youll meet a lady called Elora whose husband, Sunry, has been captured by the Selkath and accused of murdering a Sith warrior. The northeast pressure door may be the quicker way to get into Kolto Control from the sea floor, but it's also the more heavily guarded. Tell him he is Selkath food to trigger a fight with him and get some Dark Side Points, otherwise say whatever you want. Instead use medpacks to heal yourself. These are the most powerful Sith soldiers in the Sith army, as well as both Dark Jedi and Dark Jedi apprentices. Then search the footlocker in that room for 2 Frag Grenades and a Sonic Grenade before going left into the next room. Get the trial underway immediately. Once you've gathered your booty, head right. What would stop him from wasting other populated worlds? 2. The door to your left is a dud, so the only other option is so go up and through the door there. Well there's someone named Shaelas in the Cantina here in Ahto City who will be happy to hear this news. There are sharks everywhere. To survive their attack simply stop the depressurization by using the computer panel in the same room or speak with them through the Force Field and [Persuade] or [Force Persuade] them to stop. Malak has several Jedi in stasis chambers and uses them to draw Dark Side power. Step 2. Heres how to get through the Selkath Trial. I've already looked for a way to get myself unbanned, and it does not seem to be possible without reloading the save, which I really don't want to do as my last save before getting banned is about 6h of gameplay away. Youll find the Republic Base in the East Central Courtyard. And with what said, four Dark Jedi come through the doors and engage in battle with the Jedi and your party. Six of one, half dozen of the other. However, Dark Side Jedi can target the chambers and gain powers from the poor captured Jedi. In the footlocker in that room, you'll find2 Antidote Kits. You can actually bypass the Flow Control room as theres another way around to the other side. Use all of the dialogue options that you learnt from the Intelligence Officer.
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