10.0 is the optimal learning rate, and 9.5 is good, then 10.5 is typically also good. For some parameters, exceeding the optimum can lead to strange and non-obvious errors. Sights and sounds are processed in the brain area that first receives it without sending it further to attach meaning. Some people worry about assortative mating in Silicon Valley: highly analytical tech workers marry other highly analytical tech workers. Why do you think they arent sperging out about sportsball? But the basic eugenics of moving intelligence higher at the margin through differential fertility, or the soon-to-be possible embryo selection for intelligence, this is not an argument against that. g_i = 1 if the parameter is present, g_i = 0 if not. Slate Star Codex Tag Archives: iq Autism And Intelligence: Much More Than You Wanted To Know Posted on November 13, 2019 by Scott Alexander [Thanks to Marco DG for proofreading and offering suggestions] I. Yes. Honestly, your genius doesnt sound very good at digging into people. A 120 year old comes into my office and asks what her risk of death next year is. To test this, you could see if higher IQ autistic people tend to have more or fewer of these genes correlated with high intelligence, compared to low IQ autistic people. If it is, that could explain some of these results. These are just three randomly-selected studies; there are too many to be worth listing. The Gardner study seems to suggest its a very weakly elevated risk, maybe only 1.1x or 1.2x relative risk. She pointed out that there are a couple widely-used kinds of IQ test. required to answer an examiners quetsions[sic]. First, doesnt the note say that the bottom graph (for each letter) is the likelihood that a father of x IQ will have a child with the specified outcome? Theres probably not anyone working in math right now who is any smarter than Gauss was. Dunno, but you dont need to know the exact structure of the genotype to phenotype map to check whether the assumption is empirically correct. While autism (and Asperger) has a lot of symptoms, there is one thing I noticed early on: people on the spectrum tend to take words very literally. Its possible they just have a very good emulation that never slips even in casual situations, but at some point that basically merges with normal. Within our filter bubble, people have similar levels of status, so they can be smart but not charismatic or charismatic but not smart. After further consideration, Im unaware of any phenomenon which would correspond to a low-function, low-intelligence version. the non-verbal. Maybe specific areas for different such quirks of processing have some optimal Goldilocks zones for their values, which if all fit might give you some sort of the upper bounds of human intelligence-maybe there are multiple such optimal/viable configurations, however hitting all the targets simultaneously must be relatively rare, and some of the targets might be smallish, others might be essentially fixed without some de novo mutation for likely good evolutionary reasons. Umm, what? could equally be applied to people who arent especially intelligent. There are plenty of incredibly smart and simultaneously charismatic people out there. Research suggests that there is an ongoing reversed Flynn effect, i.e. Jane Street is a quantitative trading firm with a focus on technology and collaborative problem solving. More generally, to relate to those people around you who are also bright. More, you have probably already settled into an existence that minimizes their importance to you by the time you have enough information to piece together the importance of predictability. Some people can correctly identify the pitch of a single note played on the piano. The genes that control the development of that definitely dont do so in a linear or easily explainable way. (When your edit window expires before you submit the edit, it just discards your text and you have to retype it? I dont think you can model the autism-IQ correlation using a simple additive genetic model. The Vision Of Vilazodone And Vortioxetine. In Projections, and elsewhere, Deisseroth suggests that a major component of autism is as a bias or preference to information predictability, which anecdotally jives with what many people . Has paternal/maternal age been eliminated as cofounding factor from parents IQ/autism correlation? Take these away and you arrive at something that seems like an effortless confidence and freedom. Another, potentially related, possibility is that we are disproportionately likely to diagnose white kids with autism rather than other forms of mental disability. too many CAG repeats and the area destabilizes and you get runaway anticipation that wipes out later generations of your family. According to the most recent findings on the subject, its not many developed countries, its only Scandinavia. One solution is to view your family rather than your schoolmates as your peer group. All this is a purely hypothetical thought-experiment, of course. But they can only screen for de novo mutations they know about, and it could be that they just missed some. He visually learned letter and number orders before turning 2. A reasonable guess there is that the smartest engineer on the pyramid project was not much dumber than the smartest engineer working on the Apollo projectthey came up with brilliant one-off solutions to their problems, which didnt stick around because there wasnt much use for them in day-to-day building problems. The top level of any domains is so hard that most people cant judge anything about it. That would give me more than enough money to give the middle finger to all the ignorant normies in our politically correct society, with plenty left over to hire some bodyguards and build mechanical defense systems to insulate me from any of the outraged pearl-clutching idiots who decided to use physical violence against me when their threat of social sanctioning wasnt enough. I favour the Maxander description of the genetic defect in autism, too much brain development can be bad. This would explain low-functioning autism from de novo mutations or obstetric trauma (the foundation is so weak that it fails no matter how short the tower is). I was under the impression, that IQ was culturally biased, as DNA Markers would be. If the foundation isnt strong enough for the tower, the system fails, you develop autism, and you get a collection of symptoms possibly including low intelligence. Theres a new paper out on how the frequency of variants that affect educational achievement (which also affect IQ) have been changing over time in Iceland. . people that are 30% autistic have average IQ X. The genes and developmental stuff is one part, an enriching environment in childhood is another, and the physical requirements (adequate nutrition and good health and few toxins present during critical parts of brain development in childhood, continued good health in adulthood). This makes it difficult to analyse high functioning autistics separate from those who would have previously been distinguished as having Aspergers. I am not particularly confident in the theory either in its parts or in whole. I think the study chosen to show low IQ is really common in autism is a really weird one, and probably a sampling issue. If the mums with low functioning autistic children, the ones I spoke to described the fathers as losers or deadbeats. This intelligence is shifted towards technical subjects. Engineer/scientist social mixers with barbers/hairdressers and fashion merchandisers These questions interest me because I know a lot of people who are bright nerdy programmers married to other bright nerdy programmers, and sometimes they ask me if their children are at higher risk for autism. No background in finance required. Blacks have an infant mortality rate more than twice as high as whites do. This probably calls for some elaboration. The hypothesis of the blog post is that two people with autism spectrum traits should have children with associated negative outcomes. I would recommend having girls through IVF if that is legally allowed in your jurisdiction? I think (as an interested amateur, not an expert) that the most plausible answer is that human intelligence depends on getting lots of stuff right. It also becomes meaningless to say that no highly intelligent people are normal, since by definition, highly intelligent people will think in different ways than people with average intelligence. The suggested results for selection against IQ are just in recent industrial time. In some sense, all autism has such-and-such characteristics studies are studying the way people like to define autism, and tell us nothing about any underlying disease process. Let me write toy model, where intelligence Q is a function f of all heritable biological parameters that could possibly affect brain function (let us say, all possible variants of human genes in a DNA sequence of certain base pair length), denoted by g_1, , g_n. Several studies have shown a genetic link between autism and intelligence; genes that contribute to autism risk also contribute to high IQ. Being 1.5 standard deviations less socially adept than the average girl might make you weird, but not problematic, while being 1.5 standard deviations less socially adept than the average boy might make you a classroom / societal problem. Preoccupation with whats normal and whether you are normal is a sign of mediocrity in my experience (though its not terminal). The COVID-19 Forecasting Project at the University of Oxford is making advanced pandemic simulations of 150+ countries available to the public, and also offer pro-bono forecasting services to decision-makers. If Ronemus isnt missing some obscure de novo mutations, then people who get autism solely by accumulation of common (usually IQ-promoting) variants still end up less intelligent than average. In other countries including those in developed areas like Western Europe and North America IQ has been on the rise. The Charman et al study finds a correlation between autism and low IQ, by starting with a sample of autistic people and looking at their IQs. Indeed. a decline in IQ scores, in Norway, Denmark, Australia, Britain, the Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, France and German-speaking countries,[4] a development which appears to have started in the 1990s, the Flynn effect has ended for the majority in developed nations, Research that has examined whether g factor and IQ gains from the Flynn effect are related have found there is a negative correlation between the two. My outside view intuition is that gut bacteria are the new priming and also literally HTTLPR. b. Karpinksi et al. Are there other mental disorders that track with intelligence? Wow! Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for SYNPSH of CROIX, HAUTS DE FRANCE. Its not because simply being small or being large or having a flat face are inherently unhealthy traits; there are other species that are much smaller than Yorkies, much larger than Great Danes, and have flatter faces than Pugs, without suffering any problems as a result. 46.8k members in the slatestarcodex community. Guys autism is not a thing. Struggling to describe this. Im skeptical of the extreme male brain hypothesis for autism. Is it possible to measure autism on some scale, rather than as a binary category? And we know that theres differential infant mortality rates. The normies were not spergs running emulations, theyd have the same confused look whenever we sperged-out about something that we had when they talked about sportsball. These numbers should be taken with very many grains of salt. The tower of intelligence needs to be built upon some kind of mysterious foundation. This confuses me a little. My original post talked about dual axes, functionality and intelligence, with non-functional high intelligence becoming, effectively, a distinct kind of low intelligence. how could they recruit in such a way as to get a representative sample? It would explain the association of genes for intelligence with autism (holding foundation strength constant, the taller the tower, the more likely a failure). Just look at Kanye West, for example. No ICU or anything that severe, but still something that differentiates her from the other children. Being a carrier for cystic fibrosis may be protective against cholera. My bosses at my last job (normal modulo their ethnic origin). IQb medium genetic load : high intelligence, autistic highly functional autist or autistic tendencies, strongly tenchnically inclined I would expect that to be the case based simply on the premises. I cant tell if this is evidence against Crespi or whether since all intellectual abilities are correlated this is just the shadow of their high perceptual intelligence, and if we directly looked at perceptual-to-verbal ratio we would see it was lower than expected. But the ability to notice patterns in the world, analyze phenomena and their causes/effects, understand highly complex and abstract concepts, and make connections between things all seem to be correlated with higher levels of social awareness and persuasive ability. And since mental traits like intelligence, social aptitude, and self-control are the ones most likely to be selected for in society, it makes sense that our imbalances would primarily be mental. Ah, that would explain the discrepancy. Well, I think its certainly a reasonable possibility, which in my experience appears to be true, that beyond a certain point, intelligence either directly causes weirdness or is reliant upon it as a foundation. at 25/26 and Ph.D. at 29/30, so might not be of the caliber of your acquaintance, though. I had a professor once whose research thesis was basically this applied to language. Figuring out the causes of neurotypicality in intelligent people would go a long way, but its hard even to measure how neurotypical a given smart person is. There are no other cases of autism diagnosed in the immediate family. The lectins in wheat interfere with leptin receptors, making people leptin resistant and therefore obese. It was my first thought, too admittedly followed by the second thought wait, no, theyll have thought of that one ages ago. Slate Star Codex For, Then Against, High-Saturated-Fat Diets Posted on March 10, 2020 by Scott Alexander I. And so those are genes that show up as giving you a bump in your IQ in populations genetic studies. Altruisto is a browser extension so that when you shop online, a portion of the money you pay goes to effective charities (no extra cost to you). Question the first. Maybe even only a small fraction of potential arrangements are just right to produce ever-increasing levels of some capability in the phenotype. I dont think cystic fibrosis works that way. My absurdly layman impression of the austistic spectrum suggested that autists might make less use of a heuristic that produces one of those needed side-effects, so the simplest testable prediction springing to mind was that ghost experiences would be absent somewhere in the autistic population. Maybe this is a tower collapse event. For example, the experience of people who are blind at birth and then are given sight as an adult vs. those who lost vision as a child and then have their sight restored as an adult. . The additive proportion for height is likely higher. Thats sounds like a significant amount of epistasis in IQ, so I agree its not that weird that a few people end up very different than youd expect from a purely additive genetics + additive environment model. Autism, rationality and intelligence. As I understand it (Im an interested amateur, not an expert, so dont trust this too far! And at least a few of them were probably just lying outright. I imagine the effort you put into fitting in goes down as you get older. I have a possible explanation for the observed distribution of intelligence in autistic people. Black and Hispanic children are less likely to be diagnosed with autism than white kids, but a lot of black, Hispanic, and Native American kids have various forms of learning disabilities. German Shepherds, Huskies). Autistic people have weird developmental trajectories. I. Some of this effect is because autism is caused both by normal genes and by de novo mutations and environmental insults, and the de novo mutations and environmental insults definitely decrease intelligence. If the extreme male brain hypothesis is true, then those girls have unusually masculinized brains. Fortunately, at home, I can act how I want, which recharges me significantly. I mean, it COULD be that autism somehow exaggerates male brain characteristics in a bunch of different respects, but then doesnt touch the parts of the brain that affect gender identity. (For example, a too-big head would kill mother and baby until modern times; now it just means mom gets a C-section.). They've also got a blog about what they're doing here. However, I wouldnt be surprised if a statistically high proportion of people here are autistic or have autistic family members. We cant do much about the genetic or random developmental stuff, but we can make sure most of the things that have stunted peoples intelligence over time go away. Its a small sample (156) and its 10-14 year olds, not adults. I could easily see someone unable to focus, stuck in a room banging their head just trying to make the noise go away. We are both university qualified. Another study showing how autistic people have higher prevalence in inpatient psychiatric units. I have 5 children. If the IQ/autism risk genes are being selected for, we should be seeing more top-level geniuses each generation (Im very skeptical of this) and more autistic children (this half checks out). And an article by John Elder Robison pointing out that most of our data on autistic people come from children and the extreme cases. These are just three randomly-selected studies; there are too many to be worth listing. Intelligence may be very much the same way. This is a common situation, but not with many genes of small effect. no IQb + mgl: normal These deficits are present in early childhood, typically before age three, and lead to clinically significant functional impairment. We both spent a lifetime getting scolded because we were obviously too smart for the dumb stuff we kept doing (grades and the like). in particle physics at age 15, millionaire at age 30 type of stuff. Because they lacked the development of the auditory processing, it was very draining for them because it mostly came across as a large amount of noise. the Council for Evidence-Based Psychiatry in the UK on the lack of validity of diagnostic categories in psychiatry http://cepuk.org/unrecognised-facts/diagnostic-system-lacks-validity/). Instead of autism causing low IQ, low IQ (in a mental architecture that typically causes high IQ) would cause autism, and then of course when you look at the relatives of a downwards outlier you will find higher IQ. Id guess the funny people can be funny even when their jokes bomb, because they can make their failed jokes into a joke at their own expense? Couldnt this all be the result of several essentailly different things being lumped together under the label autism spectrum? So in that sense, maybe its just a phrasing problem. Reading about this seems a little bit strange at first, but I must say, I teach in the mathematics department of a university, and I observe this everyday in my best students. Over the vast majority of the range of the main volume knob on the mixer (assuming the system is set up reasonably), more will be better. Without the load, the child would have had a high IQ, but with weak fundation (genetic load) no. Note that billionaires in America are still vulnerable to (using a topical example) wealth taxes, and abroad billionaires in Russia / China must play the cuddle up to Putin / Xi or die / get put in a camp game. This is why, as a freshman at 125 lbs, I could beat seniors at 160, 171, 189, and 215 lbs on our team, despite all of them crushing me at the bench press. This one comes from Gardner et al (2019), which measures the cognitive ability of the fathers of autistic people and disaggregates those with and without intellectual disability. Moreover, if your family isnt too bright, you might not even recognize that theres something funny about your latest kid. Naturally, things are getting worse. Knowing how much of the genetic variance in intelligence (say IQ for an easy measure) is additive is probably good enough to figure out how off the purely linear assumption is. We dont have all those variants identified yet, but from the fraction we do know and the rate of change, they estimate that genetic potential for IQ is dropping about 0.30 point per decade 3 points per century, about a point a generation. We're always hiring talented programmers, traders, and researchers and have internships and fulltime positions in New York, London, and Hong Kong. I think, everywhere. Fall short of that threshold and you have a pile of severely broken processes. Flynn effect vs genetic selection. For purposes of a discussion of this, I think its best if we restrict ourselves to unusual behaviors. I also have more ability to perceive what processes I am running. Further (indirect) confirmation of the autism-IQ link comes from evolutionary investigations. When I was a music major in college it was the research interest of one of my professors and he put the students with perfect pitch through a couple of tests like this in class. This study of 45,000 Danes finds that genetic risk for autism correlates at about 0.2 with both IQ and educational attainment. So by comparison, I could imagine that theres a bunch of gene variants that increase limb length, and that if you have a certain number of these you get some nice Usain Bolt proportions that help you win races. (2) genes that promote autism are being selected for Ive certainly known highly intelligent people who did not seem to be crazy or disfunctional in any obvious way. If relatives of autists are smarter, then that sounds to me like a regression towards the mean. FWIW, anecdata in the autistic communit suggests that autistic people are more likely than average to be genderqueer in some fashion, but theres no anecdata correlating this with chromosomal sex i.e. (remember that no intellectual disability just means IQ over 70, and so many of these not-intellectually-disabled people may still have low intelligence I wish the paper had quantified this). My first thought when hearing that autism intelligence data is that people are much more likely to end up with the autistic label if theyre disabled. The same principle can be applied to genetic traits. Given the numerous different genetic correlates to autism, if one wants to preserve the diagnostic validity of autism by finding a single etiology, one might hypothesize that all of these genes affect a narrow set of brain circuitry in a similar way, but as discussed in the Waterhouse paper people have tried to do this and (per her lit review) failed to do so. This can best be understood through a tower-versus-foundation model where higher intelligence that outstrips the ability of some mysterious foundation to support it will result in autism (25% confidence), 6. My stats-fu isnt strong enough to know if this actually pencils out, though. Agreed. The tower model looks close to my personal model, which has absolutely no experimental testing besides how the two of us feel about itbut generally I call it the Smore model. (:D Sorry, couldnt resist the quip; please carry on.). I knew a wrestler back in college, really huge and muscular dude. From a certain perspective, it merges with normal. I guess in a context-specific sense, normal is being defined as not-autistic? He taught himself the alphabet before he was 1 year old. 2. He has the making of a superb engineer. You tell them that the study that tried to address that question suggests that they are between one point one and one point two times as likely; in other words, at least 83-90% of their chance to have autistic children is baseline. It makes sense to me that the microglia that are involved in both the elimination and growth of synapses could end up producing some brains that are less functional and some that are more functional vs. the wild type based on how the extra pruning is done, what parts of the brain its done in, and when its done. Pollution, infection, and trauma might also be in this basket. The line here has an extra close-paragraph symbol, > (though see the discussion here) for some debate over how seriously to take this; I am less sure this is accurate than most of the other statistics mentioned here), which I assume is the one missing from the later section here. I was getting my disorders mixed up, yes, but this is the one I was thinking of. Because theres a correlation between IQ and race, overdiagnosing the children of a higher IQ group with autism (or underdiagnosing the children of a lower IQ group with autism) results in a correlation between IQ and autism which is actually just caused by racial bias in diagnosis rates. We have another child who shows no autistic traits. Theres a question if you want to go really far out, outside the modern human range, and you might get unforeseen side effects. Two of these are diagnosed as autistic, though with very different forms. It stands to reason that f can be very intractable, and resolving that function is the difficult question where there is science to be done. Every autism case is caused by some combination of these three factors, and the more it is caused by normal genes, the more intelligence is likely to be preserved (~100% confidence), 4. MealSquares is a "nutritionally complete" food that contains a balanced diet worth of nutrients in a few tasty easily measurable units. That there is some knob which, as you turn it up, it increases intelligence, until you get it too high and then it blows up due to some fact about the dynamics of the system that we dont understand yet. (And maybe theres some kind of subtype of autism > size of correlation thing happening, too. Im not sure how normal she is, but an acquaintance through RenFaire is head of some Army Corps of Engineers office in the Bay Area, and shes one of the very few people I consider noticeably more intelligent than me. The note in the second image mentions adjusting for maternal and paternal age (among other things), and it doesnt look like the adjustment makes an important difference. How much effort do people, particularly young people, put into being normal that is, into fitting in? (3) Genes that promote autism and IQ are being selected for DESPITE other genes that promote IQ being selected AGAINST, so we would expect to see the representation of autism in (the dwindling fraction of) high-IQ families explode in the coming decades. Also, it doesnt really look like autistic people are worse at mental rotation. This is reminiscent, and logically inverted, from the much greater role of spontaneous mutations in these latter categories, particularly in genes known to have an even larger impact in cohorts ascertained for intellectual disability/developmental delay91. I would say that 80% of them carry a fair amount of weirdness with them, which shows in speech impediments, idiosyncratic/shitty clothing styles and obsessions with bizarre topics. Polimanti and Gelemter (2017) find that autism risk genes arent just sticking around. As for genetics, well, my IQ is ~135, and my wifes is right there with me (~125). Thats high, compared to the general population (below 1%) but 50% is weirdly high. (*), Its not hard to measure my IQ, except that it generally falls at the top of the scale where the tests dont make effective distinctions. A strong preference for routine. IQb + high genetic load: autism with lowish IQ, always diagnosed as autist One just needs to consider a model where a brain is a complicated object whose organization and function depends on changes in the genetic blueprint in non-monotonic ways, and it is likely that all combinations (attainable via sexual reproduction) of genes that are beneficial alone or in some particular arrangements are not even more beneficial together; some of the potential arrangements are bound to be non-optimal or even catastrophic. Someone at the 99.0 percentile for intelligence would probably seem quite mediocre by SSC standards. Substack is a blogging site that helps writers earn money and readers discover articles they'll like. That seems too low, based on my interactions with her: shes not so much slow as odd, so it may very well be that the test isnt a good measure. I get to see what happens to those kids otherwise, they become adults who ace every math exam, but are unable to buy pants. And we're taking resources from the prior group to give to the latter. several essentailly different things being lumped together under the label autism spectrum. This shows a) there isnt much of a childhood autism epidemic going on, its more likely that previous underdiagnosis occurred. Perhaps this is an obvious point with an obvious answer, but wouldnt female prevalence of diagnosed autism be expected to be markedly lower? Thats exactly what we observe here. Poor people have a higher infant mortality rate than rich people do. Youre starting with the premise intelligence is incompatible with normality and then reflexively dismissing all evidence to the contrary with theyre not really normal, theyre just pretending. Which is 1.)
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