This was the day selected by Haman to commit genocide against the Jewish people. see however Chazon Ovadia Arba Taaniyot pg. In other context, regarding the order of the daily sacrifice (korban tamid) and the mussaf of Shabbat and Yom Tov, the Gemara (Menachot 49b) concludes that when faced which a choice between a mitzva which is performed more frequently (tadir) and another which is more sanctified (mekudash), one may choose either of the mitzvot to perform first. . Perhaps the debate surrounds the nature of the tefillin exemption for an avel. Modernly, we do not fast on seder night. This video explores these questions to uncover a deeper meaning of Taanit Esther. Rav Chaim Palagi in Ruach Chaim 566:4 is strict. Several interesting nafka minot emerge from this debate. Shaarit l'Shabbat ul'Yom Tov. In all cases, a competent rabbi should be consulted. The Beur Halakha (OC 25 s.v. It is permissible to wash with hot water or anoint oneself. Jewish Holidays: A Guide & Commentary, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. In a famous passage in Sefer Yechezkel (chapter 24), Hashem instructs the prophet to deliberately demonstrate that he is not adhering to the rules of mourning. The Shulchan Arukh (25:2) adds that one who puts on his tallit katan upon rising, thus fulfilling the mitzva of tzitzit first, should then don his tefillin, and only afterwards put on the tallit gadol. Ta'anit Esther is the only time in the Jewish calendar that wholly commemorates the power of a single woman to exercise courage in changing the course of Jewish history. is again threatened in our home land. Mishna Brurah 550:4, Yalkut Yosef Moadim page 531, Sh"t Yechave Daat 1:35, Aruch Hashulchan 550:6, Teshuvot Vihanhagot 4:123. Most authorities maintain that he should (see Pri Megadim 548), but at least one opinion claims that he should not (see Kenesset Ha-Gedola, Yoreh Deah 388). In essence, the Fast of Esther should be a day of inspiration, an opportunity to take on something great for the rest of the whole year, and a time to push ourselves just a bit more to accomplish something spiritually spectacular. Rabbi Eliezer Melamed PR photo. Tzom Kal and Purim Sameach. Mishna Brurah 550:5 and Beiur Halacha "hakol" Yalkut Yosef Dinei. redemption. This heroic act saved the Jewish people from Haman's plot to kill all the Jews of Shushan. One need not train his children to fast, even at the age of 12 for boys or eleven for girls. 8) If a Brit Milah falls on the Fast of Esther, the Seudat Mitzvah should be be postponed until the evening. If one ate by mistake on a fast day he should nevertheless continue fasting afterwards. The book of Esther relates that the Jews "gathered themselves together" on the thirteenth and fourteenth of Adar. Shulchan Aruch 566:1, Yalkut Yosef Moadim page 545. But we've been afraid to approach the A Jew's best weapon is the recognition that strength and victory come only through God (see Exodus 17:10). Bet Yosef 575:2 points out that the Rambam Tefillah 13:18 implies that there is no haftorah for a fast day besides for Tisha B'av or a fast for a drought and that the minhag of Sephardim was not to say a haftorah. 42. Yalkut Yosef page 549 says that even if you were called up by name, you should explain to them that you are not fasting, and even adds that this applies where you are currently fasting but do not plan on finishing the fast. He is truly EXCUSED from the mitzva of tefillin. However, Rav Chisda explains that it is only a fast of hours if one didn't eat until that day. 6) During the afternoon Mincha prayers, the paragraph of Aneinu is added to the silent Amidah, during the blessing of Shema Koleinu. If an avel is prohibited from wearing tefillin as an expression of elegance that disrupts his aveilut, perhaps this person should also be forbidden to wear tefillin. For public readings selected for Taanit Esther, visit here. One can even say Avinu Malkeinu when davening without a minyan. The Nemukei Yosef (Hilkhot Tzitzit 12) rules that the tallit should be worn first, as the mitzva of tzitzit is equivalent to all the other mitzvot (Menachot 43b). Like other minor fasts, Taanit Esther begins at dawn (first light) and ends at nightfall (full dark). The fast Unlike a taanit, a tzom is not a day of mourning, a day we hope to postpone. Shulchan Aruch 562:1 accepts Rashi as the primary opinion. All Jews fast on the four fast days mentioned by the prophets which are: Tzom Gedalya (the third of Tishrei), Asara B'Tevet (tenth of Tevet), Shiva Asar BeTamuz (seventeenth of Tamuz), and Tisha BeAv (ninth of Av). Weekday Amidah. This has been a long-standing problem in the Jewish community, particularly in the Orthodox world in which womens autonomy is often stifled. Taz 566:7 explains that he can't take the aliya since that kriyat hatorah isn't relevant to him. On the day of a Taanis one should refrain from unnecessarily touching foods, lest one inadvertently eat during the fast. Rather, she says, Fast on my account or Fast for me so she could be successful when going before king Achashverosh to plead on their behalf for salvation. On the day (the 13th day of Adar) that the enemies of And when he removes his phylacteries, he first removes the phylacteries of the head and afterward removes the phylacteries of the arm. The Gemara Pesachim 54b implies that only Tisha B'Av is treated like Yom Kippur and it is forbidden to eat during Ben Hashemashot, however, it would be permitted to eat during the Ben Hashemashot. King, perhaps because we haven't heard Him calling us. Ester, we know that the geula will eventually come to Israel. 1) rules that this principle only applies if one touches the tefillin first. Rashi in Ketuvot (6b) augments this idea by asserting that not only is an avel EXEMPTED from the mitzva of tefillin, he is also FORBIDDEN from performing it. This was the first year that I fasted on Ta'anit Esther, and I did so mainly as an act of solidarity with agunot. You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Why did she call for a fast? Tur 549:2 explains that on the ninth of Tamuz the wall of Yerushalyim was broken by the first Bet HaMikdash, however, nowadays we fast on the seventeenth of Tamuz which was when the wall of Yerushalyim was broken by the second Bet HaMikdash. ha, Rambam (Taniyot 1:13, Raavad ad loc., Rosh Tanit 1:12) that it doesn't even count as a fast of hours if one eats before the night. on 13 Adar. Continue . It was not one of the fast days instituted by the Prophets, and it does not correlate to one of the four aspects of exile. A time when we did something correctly that propelled us forward to reach new spiritual heights. Start your free trial today and get unlimited access to America's largest dictionary, with: Taanith Esther. Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, He is also a highly-acclaimed speaker and mentor for RJX/MEOR Rutgers, a contributing writer for, financial coach, proud husband, and father of three. 10 commandments 10th of tevet 17th of tammuz 1990 gulf war 3 weeks 9 days a hertz institute production abortion adar ahavas chinam amalek animals antisemitism army atzeret hitorrerut audio baseball beha'alotcha behab bulman business change kennes chanukah charity chicago chicago 5775 chicago5770 chicago5771 . Mishna Brurah 557:3, Rama 565:3. This is understood by most rishonim (Rashi s.v. Typically, the Chakhamim can suspend a mitzva de-oraita. Rabbi Joshua B. Gordon ob'm Rabbi Ari Herzog. Next week we will continue our discussion of the hanachat tefillin. Not only do we stop eating and drinking, but we also hold ourselves back from acting before thinking. 175-80) suggested that Purim and Taanit Esther commemorate two distinct themes of Purim, which are rooted in the different themes of the Megilla itself. Today is Taanit Esther (the Fast of Esther), a minor Fast day commemorating the three day fast observed by the Jewish people in the story of Purim. Mishna Brurah 568:10 says that you should even say aneinu if you daven, Yalkut Yosef Moadim page 536-537 based on Shulchan Aruch 566:1, Yabia Omer 1:22, Chayei Adam 24:18, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 19:14, Aruch Hashulchan 565:3, Kaf Hachayim 119:28, Yalkut Yosef Moadim page 537, Yabia Omer 2:34:6,Beiur Halacha 565:1, Yalkut Yosef Moadim page 539, Yechave Daat 1:79. She would not have needed to say vtzumu alei if that were the case. The 13 th day of Adar has the great potential for redemption. Somebody suffering from a headache may swallow a pill that doesn't have a pleasant taste. It was on this day that the Megila states (9:1), "Bayom asher sibru oy'vei hayihudim l'shlot bahem, venahafoch hu hayihudim heima b . If one forgot to say Aneinu in "Shomea Tefila" one should recite it in "Elokai Netzor. Mishna Brurah 562:10 quotes the Eliya Rabba for someone who is weak. It is prohibited to chew gum on a fast day, unless the gum has no taste whatsoever. All the contact info is on the site. You must there are over 200,000 words in our free online dictionary, but you are looking for one that's only in the Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary.. Start your free trial today and get unlimited access to America's largest dictionary, with:. However, the secondary opinion he quotes is the Rosh (Tanit 1:12) who explains that it is always necessary to accept the fast of hours a day in advance for it to count. Several gemarot (Berakhot 11, Ketuvot 6 and Sukka 25) cite a statement of Rav identifying the one mitzva that an avel (mourner) is excused from the mitzva of tefillin. More than 250,000 words that aren't in our free dictionary The Shulchan Arukh (OC 25:6) rules that despite what we learned above regarding one who touches his tefillin before his tallit, one who touches the tefillin shel rosh before the tefillin shel yad should set aside the tefillin shel rosh and put on his tefillin in the order described above. Levush 550:1, Magen Avraham 550:1, and Mishna Brurah 550:1 hold that primarily the minor fasts today are obligatory as communal practices when there isn't persecution. On. Baer Heitiv 568:22, Kaf Hachayim 549:11, Mishna Brurah 558:50. [1] The significance and background of these fasts are explained below. For these four fasts, the beracha of aneinu is recited during chazarat hashatz as a beracha on its own as long as there are six or more fasting. The Aish Rabbi Replies (see Law #4 below). 2023 The Times of Israel , All Rights Reserved. Answer: Although Taanis Esther is the most lenient of the public fast days, it remains a fast day, and everybody has to fast in principle. It is interesting to look at how Taanit Esther has taken on new, contemporary meaning in some Jewish circles and has become re-ritualized in order to understand the experience of freedom and survival (or lack thereof) in todays Jewish world. See the explanation of this on the. Just as Mordechai told It is actually this one-day pre-battle fast that we commemorate every year before Purim. Either he can accept to fast in the morning and then if he changes his mind to complete the day or he can accept to fast in the afternoon and then if he changes his mind and ends up not eating in the morning that is a fast of hours for anenu. Sorted by: 3. and our generation, may not be the ones to see it if we don't act. What makes tefillin unique in that it is the only mitzva from which an avel is excused? Rav Beryl Gershenfeld reveals that the word " taanit " comes from the word " ani ," meaning "poor." On a taanit we recognize that we are lacking (like a poor person). The Fast of Esther (Taanit Ester, Hebrew: ) is a Jewish fast from dawn until dusk on Purim eve, commemorating the three-day fast observed by the Jewish people in the story of Purim. Learn more about JOFAs Agunot Advocacy Campaign and about what you can do to spread awareness about this crisis. the Yamim Noraim, please make this Taanit Ester a day of "teshuva, tefilla, ), to fast on the . u'tzedaka" - repentance, prayer, and tzedaka. The Torah prescribes that whenever a Jewish army goes to war, the soldiers should spend the previous day fasting. This principle is found in the Talmud (Yoma 33a). Because a fast helps to lower the volume on our physical pursuits in order to focus more acutely on our spiritual selves. Furthermore, the mitzva of tzitzit is tadir, i.e., it is performed more frequently as the tallit is worn on both Shabbat and Yom Tov. Post the Definition of Taanith Esther to Facebook, Share the Definition of Taanith Esther on Twitter, More than 250,000 words that aren't in our free dictionary, Expanded definitions, etymologies, and usage notes. However, Mishna Brurah 550:6, Shaar HaTziyun 550:8, Kaf Hachayim 550:13 write based on earlier acharonim that a baal nefesh should be strict not to wash with hot water. Publications: Philosophy and Current Affairs, Revava - The Riva Koschitzky z"l Torah Enrichment Program, The Prohibition for an Avel to Wear Tefillin. aga) rules in accordance with the Taz. There is no INTERNAL reason that he is EXEMPT from Torah. However, in honor of the Purim heroine, it is called Taanit Esther -- the Fast of Esther. Yalkut Yosef Moadim page 536 adds that one recites aneinu at night on tisha bav. Incorrect password. It is possible for an individual to take upon themselves to fast for a day and it will serve for an atonement and merit. The Midrash recounts that the Jews actually fasted as a nation on that day, in supplication to Hashem for Heavenly assistance. Many observances in Jewish law must be performed at specific times during the day. Nevertheless, on the Fast of Esther, we too can be like our ancestors and usher in a period of radical changeboth in ourselves and the world. Does this principle apply to an avel and tefillin? Rather, we observe the fast on Thursday, the 11th of Adar. In the context of the story it is probably describing how they rallied together to do battle against their enemies. Usually it is the day immediately before Purim, though there are exceptions. The Mishna mentions two characteristics which may determine precedence: tedirut (frequency) and kedusha (sanctity). Arvit l'Shabbat. As Mark Twain wrote, "All things are mortal but the Jew; all other forces pass, but he remains. Read the latest from JWA from your inbox. Web page addresses and email addresses turn into links automatically. He tells her that if she does not act, then Piskei Teshuvot 550:6, Rivevot Ephraim 1:363:1 and 3:368, Sht Bear Moshe 3:77, Rav Moshe Feinstein quoted in Moadei Yeshurun page 108. Rashi (s.v. For When 'Lowdown Crook' Isn't Specific Enough. Namerow, Jordan. Furthermore, Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach ruled that we can eat meat after the Fast of Esther, which we are not allowed to do after the other minor fast days. The content of this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly. Rav Chisda in Tanit 12a says that it is only a fast if a person completes it upon the night. Rav Beryl Gershenfeld reveals that the word taanit comes from the word ani, meaning poor. On a taanit we recognize that we are lacking (like a poor person). Rama Orach Chaim 550:1, Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 554:5, Pri Megadim Eishel Avraham 550:1, Aruch Hashulchan 550:3, Yechave Daat 1:35. The prophet Zechariyah (8:19) stated that in the future the fast of the fourth, fifth, seventh, and tenth will become days of happiness for the Jews.
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