My Uncomplicated Poetry -

My Uncomplicated Poetry

My Uncomplicated Poetry

Summary of last session (February 20) by Shri. Mohan Khandekar ji.

13:4/5/6: Shri Tusidasji is humbly asking the gyanis to appreciate his poetry hoping that their grace will help to add value to his feeble attempt. 

He further explains the statement with an analogy of the river Ganga and the jute cloth. Glory of Ganga does not diminish in spite of its twisting, turning and uneven flow. 

The jute cloth (his words) looks beautiful when colours (name of Shri Ram) are added to it.

14 क: To describe the simplicity of his poetry Sant-ji says “my poetry is uncomplicated”.

To explain this Shri Vijayji narrated a story of Khara Dushan from Ramayana.

14 ख ग: Tulsidas Ji is respectfully asking for everyone’s blessing despite his shortcomings.

14 घ: Offering salutations to Muni Valmiki by declaring “my poetry is not brutal (खर)

14ड.: Comparing the four Ved to a Big Ship, which helps us to cross the bhavsagar.

14च: Tulsidas-ji offers pranam to Brahma-ji, who through sagar manthan gave rise to sant/asant, nectar/poison etc. (Vijay-ji compares sagar manthan to sansar manthan).

14छ: Here he seeks blessings from Devata, which protects intellect, Brahman (ब्राह्मण), who blesses, Pandit to acquire cleverness and planets (ग्रह) for peace and happiness.

Jai Shri Ram

Harih Aum!

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