Navdha Bhakti

Navdha Bhakti

Summary of last session (April 9) by Shri Mohan Khandekar.

Shri Vijayji started the session by explaining the meaning of the words Laxman and Laxmi.  

All their life they both have only one focus, Bhagwan (Vishnu, Ram).

One gets freedom with knowledge and scriptures through Shravanam and Mananam. 

Vijayji recapped Doha 47:1/2. Who is Bhavani?  The one who can create and destroy. (The word refers to both Sati and Parvati). 

Shiv ji explains Bhakti to Agasthi muni. Vijay ji referred to chapter 7 of Bhagavad Geeta. 

Krishna talks about his love towards four kinds of devotees to whom He gives whatever they want. 

चतुर्विधा भजन्ते मां जना: सुकृतिनोऽर्जुन |

आर्तो जिज्ञासुरर्थार्थी ज्ञानी च भरतर्षभ || 16||

He further went on to explain Navdha Bhakti, a devotion divided into nine parts which are,

  1. Shravanam — Listening to the names of and stories about God
  2. Keertanam — Chanting or singing about God
  3. Smaranam — Remembering God throughout the day
  4. Paada sevanam — Serving God willingly
  5. Archanam — Worshiping God
  6. Vandanam — Praising God selflessly and with total submission
  7. Daasyam — Serving God
  8. Sakhyam — Developing a friendship with God
  9. Aatma Nivedanam — Surrendering oneself to God; Self-realization or samadhi                                                              

We will learn about Shabri bhakti in detail in Aranyakand. 

48:1 Ravan upon severe austerity received a boon from Brahmaji. His demand for a death from a human being was granted. ( A wish is fulfilled upon Tapsya).  

According to Shankaracharya, a man who performs actions followed by Upasana will reap the fruits but they are of lower nature. 

Instead  they should be doing them together to reach Brahmaloka. Do action for Him and Upasana to reach Him.

48:3 Vijay ji broke the word ईशा. ई: ईश्वर, शा:शासन. As long as we do not acquire qualities of a qualified student (अधिकारी), Paramatma can not rule us. 

The story of Marich was further elaborated. Marich was at fault three ways. 

1. He was born as a Rakshas 

2. He listened to his uncle Ravan and cunningly disguised as golden deer (सुवर्ण मृग) 

3. He called Laxman and not Ram at the time of death. Therefore in spite of surrendering to Shri Ram at the end, he failed to get liberation (Laxman represents Samsara). 

48:4 Sanjog-Viyog: Liberation is possible only when you totally surrender to Ram (Ramakar Vratti). 

Hairh Aum!

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