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Sagun & Nirgun

Sagun & Nirgun Summary of last session (April 24) by Shri. Mohan Khandekar Shri Vijay ji started the session by narrating significance of Ram Navmi.  21:3/4  Sat Tulsidas-ji talks about four kinds of Bhaktas (भक्त) who pray to Shri Ram and receive His blessings.  These lines have a direct reference to Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 7, Shloka 16) where Shri Krishna describes four types of devotees He is fond of.  Sant-ji further stresses the importance of Ramnaam in Kaliyug.  Doha 22: Reciting Ramnaam creates complete devotion and helps to fulfil desires and attain liberation.  22:1 Both Sagun and Nirgun are the manifestations of Brahman.  They are indescribable, with unknown depth and omnipresent.  As per Mandukya Upanishad, the Name is followed by  form (रूप) and qualities (गुण).  22:2/3 Tulsidas-ji appeals to the devotees to have attraction (रुची) for Him, which will create love and will lead to trust. These three are necessary for unwavering faith (श्रद्धा) and to begin your journey towards liberation.  How can we perceive this All Pervading, Imperishable and Undivided Brahman?Sagun Brahman through understanding and Nirgun Brahman through knowledge.  22:4 Manifestation of Brahman is also possible by invoking His name with complete devotion. Jai Shri Ram

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Ram Naam

Ram Naam Summary of last session (April 17) by Shri Mohan Khandekar Shri Vijayji started the session with a brief explanation of Sanatan Dharma, path of Sun, Moon, Karmakand, Upasana and Jyaan kanda. 20:1 onwards,  The Glory of Ram naam continues. Naam (Ram) and Naami (Devotee) are different outwards but are ONE because they love each other equally.   Both are full of devotion and without either beginning or an end (अनादी). Sant-ji continues with the Glories of the Naam and the Roop, which are qualities of Bhagwan.   In this context Vijay ji illustrated an example of King Janak, a jeevan mukta and explained the difference between Brahmakar Vritti (ब्रह्माकार  वृत्ती) and Ramaakar Vritti (रामाकार  वृत्ती). One can have more love to रामाकार  वृत्ती because of It’s qualities.  The qualities follow the Naam and the Roop follows the qualities. eg. Om  represents either Sagun Brahman or Nirgun Brahman.  The darkness, either external or internal, will be eliminated by reciting the Ramnaam.  Shri Vijayji talked about the importance of Manasa Vachha, Karma and Upasana (मनसा वाचा, कर्म, उपासना).  Naam and Roop has a transactional value to a devotee but one must understand that it is a door to enter His abode.  21:1 Like many Sages and Munis, reciting the Ramnaam will help to detach from the samsar bandhan and attain Brahmasukh (ब्रह्मसुख). 21:2 The indicative meaning of the words goodh rahasya (गूढ रहस्य) is subtlest of the subtle.   Shri Vijayji gave a reference of Gita chapter 7 ( ज्ञान-विज्ञान योग) Jai Shri Ram

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Jeev and Brahman

Jeev and Brahman Summary of last session (April 10) by Shri Mohan Khandekar. Shri Vijayji recapped the meaning of Doha 19.19:1 Tulsidas Ji is continuing to sing Glories of Shri Ram (रा म).  These two words of the alphabets are “sweet” and further compares them to the eyes and ears. (Vijayji’s comments: knowledge is received through these two senses).  19:2 Shri Ram and Laxman are a very special pair, similar to Jeev and Brahma, with equal qualities.  They may be two individuals but in reality one principle (तत्त्वमसि). 19:3 Sant ji here names these two brothers as Nar-Narayan (नर नारायण), who protect devotees through their special powers.  The devotion is compared to a beautiful lady with elegant earrings (कुंडल) which are like the Sun and the Moon.  They are absolutely necessary for our life. 19:4 Devotion is compared to nectar through which one can attain liberation (मोक्ष).Shri Vijay ji narrated stories about Kashyap and Shesh Bhagwan from Bhagavatam.  We all listened to knowledgeable words by Swami Subhonanda describing the Glories of devotion. Doha: Tulsidas ji analyses the words रा म through grammer.  The word र is compared to an umbrella (when joined to another word) which is like a protector. eg. क+र+म=कर्म  and म  is anuswar (अनुस्वार) when joined with another word.  This अनुस्वार is compared to a precious jewel of the crown. eg  ओ+म+का+र =ओंकार.Jai Shri Ram.

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Glories of Mata Sita

Glories of Mata Sita Summary of last session (April 3) by Shri Mohan Khadekar Shri Vijayji started the session by explaining Shloka 5 from Pratham Sopan. This describes the Glories of Seeta. She is the cause of Creation, Sustenance, Destruction and removal of the sorrows (Attachments and Ignorance).   Seeta is Prakri (प्रकृती)/  Samshti karan (समष्टी कारण).  This was further explained with Shlokas from Vishnu Purana and Yoga Sutra. 1)  उत्पत्तिं प्रलयं चैव भूतानामागतिं गतिम् | वेत्तिं विद्यामविद्यां च स वाच्यो भगवानिति || 1 He who understands the creation and dissolution, the appearance and disappearance of beings, the wisdom and ignorance, should be called Bhagavān. — Vishnu Purana, 2  “ऐश्वर्यस्य समग्रस्य धर्मस्य यशसरिश्रयः। ज्ञानवैराग्ययोश्चैव षण्णां भग इतीरणा ।।  Complete splendor, virtue, glory, opulence, knowledge, dispassion – these six are known as bhaga. 3.अविद्यास्मितारागद्वेषाभिनिवेशाः पञ्च क्लेशाः॥३॥Avidyāsmitārāgadveṣābhiniveśāḥ pañca kleśāḥ[1] Translated into English, these five (pañca) Kleśa-s or Afflictions (kleśāḥ) are:[1] Ignorance (in the form of a misapprehension about reality) (ávidyā), egoism (in the form of an erroneous identification of the Self with the intellect) (asmitā), attachment (rāga), aversion (dveṣa), and fear of death (which is derived from clinging ignorantly to life) (abhiniveśāḥ) 17:5 Sant Tusidasji is offering pranam with  his actions, speech and mind to Shri Ram . Vijayji’s comments R: Kamalnayan (कमलनयन) and Dhanushya Baan (धनुष्य बाण). Eyes consist of three colours, white (सात्विक), Red (राजसिक) and black (तामसिक). Bhagwan can “win” ALL of them. The Bow is bent and the Arrow is straight. Bhagwan can be either.  18: What is Vanni (वाणी) and Arth (अर्थ)? The speech  (वाणी) follows the meaning (अर्थ). Just like the ocean and it’s waves are the same, there is no difference between Shri Ram and Sita.   18:1 Here Santji compares Shri Ram’s name to the Fire, the Sun and The Moon. (Shri Vijayji’s comments: As per Shankaranand Fire is indicative of detachment (वैराग्य), which must be born out of  dispassion (विवेक), the Sun indicates the  Knowledge and the Moon represents Devotion (भक्ती). In the next few lines Tulsidas ji explores the deep meaning of the word राम and its impact on Aadi Kavi (आदिकवी) Valmiki. 18:3/4 Expresses the affection of Shiv- Parvati towards Ram and how passionate they are reciting Ramnaam (रामनाम)! Doha: The name Ram is compared to the months of Savan Bhado (सावन-भादो) and devotion to the rain. Seeds sown during this time will yield healthy crops (साली).Now the Ramnaam Mahima ( रामनाम महिमा) begins!Jai Shri Ram.

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Pranams to Sita Mata

Pranams to Sita Mata Summary of last session (March 27) by Shri. Mohan Khandekar Shri Vijayji started the session by reciting Shloka 4 of pratham sopan of Balkand which sings Glories of Seeta, Muni Valmiki (Kavishwar) and Hanumanji (Kapishwar)He then captured the essence of Sortha 17. 17:1 Tulsidasji offers his pranam to Kings Sugreev, Jambvant and Bibhishan. Vijayji’s comments: Prostrating at the feet indicates offering respect to their qualities. In spite of being animals or demons, Tulsidasji pays respects  because they are true devotees of Shri Ram. Realization can happen to anyone, any time and in any form.  17:3 The importance of the Rishis and Munis mentioned here has a detailed description in Bhagvatam . Shuk represents detachment and dispassion (वैराग्य . Sanak adi Rishis represent knowledge (ज्ञान) and Shri Narad stands for devotion (भक्ती).  17:4  What do the two feet (जुग पद) of Sita represent? One foot for prosperity or wealth (ऐश्वर्य) and other for tender affection (माधुर्य).  Sita is Shri Ram’s strength (शक्ती), Sita represents creation and sustenance.  Sita can assist true devotees to “meet” Ram by destroying the sins (mukti).  Sita is Vidya Maya, Sita is Avidya Maya too. She is the source of Bhakti as well as jeevanmukti.   Santji is therefore giving equal importance to both, knowledge and devotion.  Jai Shri RamPlease join us for the next pravachan onApril 3 

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Learning from Shri Lakshmana

Learning from Shri Lakshmana Summary of last session (March 20) by Shri. Mohan Khandekar ji Shri Vijayji started the session with explanation of hidden meaning of Ramcharitmanas.   One may not find the exact meaning in the words of this beautiful poetry. We have to “dig deep” to explore the indicative interpretation of those words (लक्ष्यार्थ) 16:3 Shri Tulsidasji is offering his humble pranam to Laxman who he compares to the flagpole carrying the victory flag of Shri Ram.  Vijay ji’s comments: Our life should have a resolve similar to a flagpole which does not bend ( लक्ष्यार्थ) 16:5 Requesting Grace from Shatrughna. Vijayji referred to a story from Ramayana depicting the character of Shatrughna.  17: Seeking blessings from Shri Hanuman, who represents the knowledge and destroyer of ignorance. Shri Vijayji offered an extensive explanation of the sun, the moon and the fire.   The sun is the deity of the eyes, the moon is of the mind and the fire is the deity of the speech.  Jai Shri Ram

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Entering Ayodhya

Entering Ayodhya Summary of last session (March 13) by Shri Mohan Khandekar ji. 15:1 Meaning of the word Avadh (अवध): where there is no destruction.  The name of Ram is indestructible.  Ayodhya also means a place where there is no killing. (Shri Vijayji narrated a story related to river Sharyu).   Shri Tulsidasji offers humble pranam to the residents of Ayodhya, who are blessed by Shri Ram.  15:2/3/4:  Offering pranam to Kaushalya, who represents the east or sun. Sun is a source of heat or knowledge.  The sun passes on this knowledge through a beautiful moon.  Here Shri Ram is compared to the soft glow of the moon.  Ramji’s name is also being compared to the lotus which never dies.  16, 16:1 : Sant-ji offers his respects to King Dashrath, who he considers to be very special for two reasons.  One Dasrath is a creation of Brahma and other is he being a father of Ram. Therefore he is singing Glories of king Dashrath.  Shri Ram was the Real love of King Dashrath.  Shri Vijay ji beautifully explained King Dashrath and his three queens in relation to BMI chart and three Gunas.  The word videhu (विदेहू) means the one without a body (no body identification). King Dashrath did not have body identification.  We need the body to do actions.  Righteous actions will purify our minds which will lead to be free from bondage.  Vijay ji narrated a story of Muni Vishwamitra enquiring King Dashrath the identity of two radiant rajkumars.  16:2 Tulsidas ji offers  his respects to Bharat, who is a true servant of Shri Ram and a sincere follower of dharma. Bhakti mata ( भक्ती माता) will bless true devotees. Jai Shri Ram

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Blessings from Lord Shiva

Blessings from Lord Shiva Summary of last session (February 27) by Shri. Mohan Khandekar ji. 14:1 Shri Tulsidas is singing glories of rivers Ganga and Sarswati.  Vijay ji explained: These rivers originate from Manassarovar. Bathing in them not only cleans you externally but cleanses your sins.  Ganga purifies devotion, Sarswati purifies the knowledge and Yamuna purifies your actions. 14:2 Santji prostrates to Shivji, who in his mind is everything (father, mother and Guru).  The word प्रनवाहू, is used to describe Lord Shiva, means the one who keeps on giving. Shri Vijayji explained the dual meaning of the shloka which describes Shri Ram establishing Shivlinga in Rameshwar. 14:3 Vijayji elaborated the meaning of Sabar Mantra. 14:4 Tulsidas Ji delightfully expresses that Ramcharitmanas to be prasad from Shiv-Parvati. 14:5/6: He credits blessings from Shiv-ji for his poetry and compares Him with a brightly shining moon in a dark night. Doha: Vijay Ji’s comments: Dreams are of two types, the one that we experience routinely and the other where we have a dialogue with God.  Tulsidas Ji is seeking blessings of Shiv ji and Ma Parvati in dreams so his poetry can be appealing to everyone. Jai Shri Ram Harih Aum!

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My Uncomplicated Poetry

My Uncomplicated Poetry Summary of last session (February 20) by Shri. Mohan Khandekar ji. 13:4/5/6: Shri Tusidasji is humbly asking the gyanis to appreciate his poetry hoping that their grace will help to add value to his feeble attempt.  He further explains the statement with an analogy of the river Ganga and the jute cloth. Glory of Ganga does not diminish in spite of its twisting, turning and uneven flow.  The jute cloth (his words) looks beautiful when colours (name of Shri Ram) are added to it. 14 क: To describe the simplicity of his poetry Sant-ji says “my poetry is uncomplicated”. To explain this Shri Vijayji narrated a story of Khara Dushan from Ramayana. 14 ख ग: Tulsidas Ji is respectfully asking for everyone’s blessing despite his shortcomings. 14 घ: Offering salutations to Muni Valmiki by declaring “my poetry is not brutal (खर) 14ड.: Comparing the four Ved to a Big Ship, which helps us to cross the bhavsagar. 14च: Tulsidas-ji offers pranam to Brahma-ji, who through sagar manthan gave rise to sant/asant, nectar/poison etc. (Vijay-ji compares sagar manthan to sansar manthan). 14छ: Here he seeks blessings from Devata, which protects intellect, Brahman (ब्राह्मण), who blesses, Pandit to acquire cleverness and planets (ग्रह) for peace and happiness. Jai Shri Ram Harih Aum!

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Importance of Shravanam

Importance of Shravanam Summary of last session (February 6) by Shri. Mohan Khandekar ji Shri Vijayji started the with a brief review of the last session. 12.5: Importance of Shravan (श्रवण) Manan (मनन) and the Guru. Following the teachings through Manan will reduce ego, attachment and help us to walk on the path of righteousness.  Guru has simplified the path to our goal with His instructions. 13: The above explanation is further elaborated through the analogy of a bridge over a river.  King is the Muni, Bridge is the knowledge being simplified and an ant (चीटी) is the ignorant (we). 13:1/2 The word Pungav (पुंगव) means Brahman/ Pandit who fully understands Ved and is not greedy for money.  Sant Tusidasji offers his humble pranam to all the poets (past and present) who sang the Glories of Shri Ram. Jai Shri Ram Please join us for the next pravachan on February 20. Harih Aum!

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The Chinmaya Mission Northwest Indiana Center was established in 2002. It has now evolved into an organization serving the entire Indian community in Northwest Indiana. Chinmaya Mission is an excellent opportunity for spiritual learning.

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