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Dharma, Dhyana & Bhakti

Dharma, Dhyana & Bhakti Summary of last session (January 30) by Shri Mohan Khandekar ji Shri Vijayji started the session by drawing our attention to three important aspects of spirituality, Dharma, Dhyan and Bhakti and their relation to four siblings..Shatrughna stands for elimination of anger and greed.  Once detached, one walks the path of righteousness, which is represented by Bharat. Following this path will result in detachment (vairagya), which is none other than Laxman.  A detachment from samsara will automatically lead to attachment to Shri Ram. Hanumanji teaches us Dhyan and devotion. He has the ability to transcend the ego (the ocean). 12:1 Tulsidas Ji starts with a statement that everyone knows the strength in the name of Shri Ram.  Vijayji explained the deep meaning hidden in the second line. One gets opportunity to serve Rishis and Munis after accumulating good deeds (पुण्य) of thousands of years.  He also stressed the importance of satsang. He then made a Geeta connection. At the end of Bhagvad Geeta, Shri Krishna declares that “the one who follows My teachings will be Supreme amongst all”. 12:2 Vijayji explained the lines with reference to Upanishads. Ek (एक) signifies the Atma. Aniha (अनीह): the one who is desireless. Aroop (अरूप): Without attributes Anama (अनामा): without qualities(अगुण), Aja (अज): unborn and Satchidananda (सत्चिदानंद): Satyam, Gyanam, Anantam, Brahman (सत्यम, ज्ञानं, अनंतम, ब्रह्मन्) as per Taittiriya upanishad. Vyapak (व्यापक) : all pervading, Biswaroop (बिस्वरूप): Virat Roop, Tehi Dhari (तेही धरी) God’s Divine plays. 12:3 The God incarnates to destroy the evil tendencies, to establish righteousness and to respond to the call of His devotees. Jai Shri Ram Please join us for the next pravachan on February 5. Harih Aum!

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Beej Ramayan

Beej Ramayan Summary of last session (February 6) by Shri Mohan Khandekar ji Shri Vijayji started the session by explaining Bhakti, Gyan, difference between Samsari and Gyani and importance of surrendering to Guru. 12:4 Gareen Newaju (गरीब नेवाजू) is an urdu word, which means poor. Shri Ram does not discriminate between the devotees.  Budh Bareenhi (बुध बरीनही) points us to speaking and listening, through which we can understand the four qualities of Bhagvan. He further explored the meaning of Beej Ramayan. Jai Shri Ram

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Connection with Bhagavad Gita

Connection with Bhagavad Gita Summary of last session (January 23) by Shri. Mohan Khandekar ji Shri Vijayji reviewed and explained in detail the relationship of Ma Sarswati with respect to BMI chart. 11:1 Tulsidas Ji emphasizes the importance of the Vedas. Understanding Vedas intellectually is meaningless if you do not follow its teachings.  Here Shri Vijay ji gave a reference of Geeta, where Shri Krishna advises Arjuna to follow Dharma. 11;2 Santji describes those who outworldly show to be devotees of Shri Ram but carry evil intentions in their mind such as passion, anger, lust erc. (Priest craft).  Here Vijaji again made Geeta connection. In Chapter 5, Verses 23, 24,25 and 26 Shri Krisha discusses control of Kaam, Krodh etc.  The one who understands and follows Veda is called Yati, Yogi and qualifies for jeevanmukti. 11:3 to 5 Here humble Tulsidas Ji calls himself subservient and points to his poor qualities.(In reality he is talking about us).  In spite of these flaws he is singing Glories of Shri Ram and is not deterred by critics. 11:6 Vijayji narrated a story from Puranas about mighty wind and Sumeru Parvat (पर्वत).  Santji is comparing himself to a piece of cotton which is no match to a strong mountain. 12: It is impossible to describe the attributes of Bhagwan. Everyone describes Him through negation (नेती नेती) and with extreme devotion. Jai Shri Ram. Please join us for next pravachan on January 30. Harih Aum!

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Goddess Saraswati ji

Goddess Saraswati ji Summary of last session (January 16) by Shri Mohan Khandekar ji Shri Vijayji reviewed the BMI chart and captured the essence of Doha 10 क ख to begin the session. 10:1/2 Here Tulsidasji is telling us that even though the treasures are “born” at unusual places (source of valuable jewels may be a serpent, a mine or an elephant), they are truly illuminated when worn by a king or a woman.  He cites an example of a poet, whose breathtaking poem is admired by Ma Sarswati herself. ( A true devotee will be blessed). 10:3 The word Kobid (कोबिद) means knower of the Vedas. Santji is saying that the reader (knower) of Ramcharitmanas has the ability to get rid of the sins of previous births. 10:4 Second line: Here the heart (ह्रदय) is compared to a sea (Brahman), an intellect to a drip (सीप) and Sarswati to Swati constellation (स्वाती नक्षत्र). 10:5 A jewel of a poem is born when noble thoughts are poured in it. (Glories of Ramcharitmanas). The session concluded with Vijay ji expounding appropriate representation of Ram, Laxman, Bharat and Shatrughna with respect to BMI and also BMI relation to Goddess Sarswati ( four portions: She lives near Brahma, Pada (पद), Thought is generated (पश्यन्ति), Analysed in mind (मध्यमा), Thought expressed by tongue (वैखरी). Please join us for next pravachan on January 23. Harih Aum!

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Ramacharitha Manas & BMI Chart

Ramacharitha Manas & BMI Chart Summary of last session (December 19) by Shri. Mohan Khandekar ji. Shri Vijayji reviewed the five topics of Ramcharitmanas covered so far. 1. Explanation of the initial Prarthana: Akshar (अक्षर) which means the one without kshar (क्षर) or imperishable. He further elaborated the importance of word अ, the beginning of an alphabet, without which वर्णमाला is incomplete. 2. Importance of Guru Vandana. 3. Paying respect to the Brahmanas (ब्राह्मण). Brahman nature (वृत्ती) is superior to Brahman by birth. 4. Description Sant and Asant (संत/असंत) 5.Glories of Ramcharitmanas: Shri Vijayji expounded the deeper meaning of Ramcharitmanas through BMI chart.  The exemplary explanation of Shri Ram, Sita, Laxman, Bharat and Shatrughna corresponding to the BMI chart was greatly appreciated by the attendees. After this brief session, Vijay ji invited the participants to express their views, opinions, experiences and thoughts.  The session concluded after a lively discussion. We will resume on January 16th after a short break of three weeks. A reminder with details will be sent closer to the date. Wishing you all a very Happy New Year! Harih Aum

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Power of Ramacharitmanas

Power of Ramacharitmanas Summary of last session (December12) By Shri Mohan Khandekar ji Shri Vijay ji requested Raginiji to narrate her experience of COVID 19 illness.  Raginiji then described her and her family’s courageous journey to encounter this dreadful condition.  Everyone was clearly moved by the detailed and concise account of her path to recovery.  May God bless her and her family and we pray to Him for their good health. 9:2/3: Shri Tulsidasji in describing Glories of Shri Ram says that no poetry can be superior unless it has the name of Ram. 9:4: The word Rampratap (राम प्रताप)has two interpretations.  The name Ram represents strength and Ramcharitmanas is powerful because it has the name Ram. Chand (छंद): Shri Vijayji explored the meaning of the word Kalimal (कलिमल), which stands for six enemies namely, Kaam, Krodh, Moha, Mad ,Matsar and Lobh. Ramnaam will eliminate these six vikar. Santji further describes the quality of river Ganga.  In spite of her “twisted” journey, the quality of her water is pure and one can get salvation by being devoted to her. 10 क ख Here Tulsidasji continues to express His Glories. Just like wood from Malay Parvat (मलय पर्वत) turns into Sandalwood, his poetry will be loved by everyone because it has Ramnaam. Milk is white in spite of different colored cows.  Similarly even though his knowledge of language is poor, he is confident that his composition will be appreciated by all because Ram’s name is attached to it (Inner qualities are more important than outside appearance). Please join us for next pravachan on December 19. As Shri Vijayji explained in the last session, please consider this to be an “open house”.  Everyone is encouraged to express their views, opinions, experiences and anything & everything (about Ramcharitmanas).

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Humble Tulsidas ji

Humble Tulsidas ji Summary of last session (December 5) by Shri. Mohan Khandekar ji Shri Vijayji started his discourse by explaining meanings of the words Uttam Purush (उत्तम पुरुष), Videha mukti (विदेह मुक्ती) and Jeevan mukti (जीवन मुक्ती). Doha 8 starts with Shri Tulsidasji humbly declaring that the enormous task he is undertaking will please good people and will be criticized by disagreeable people.  He further clarifies his statement by giving examples of Crow denouncing Koel, Dove to a Swan and a Frog about Papiha (पपीहा). 8:3 He is confident that pious and devout individuals will love his story. 8:4 The second line of this Doha has a word Kala (कला). Shri Vijayji elaborated this word with description of five types of कला. Architecture (वास्तू) Sculpture (मूर्ती) Visual (चित्र) Music (संगीत) Poetry (काव्य) In the next two Dohas, Santji confessed that his knowledge of the language and it’s complex intricacies is very limited but wants to express his true and honest feelings with love and devotion.  Shri Vijay ji commented about five definitions of shastras (शास्त्र), namely Atma, Paramatma, Jeeva, Jagat and Jeevan (आत्मा, परमात्मा,जीव,जगत, जीवन) and five expression of Bhakti (भक्ती) namely Shant, Dasya, Sakhya, vatsalya and Madhurya (शान्त दास्य सख्य वात्सल्य माधुर्य). Doha 9 starts by Tulsidasji narrating the Gories of Shri Ram-naam (राम नाम), which signifies extreme purity, summarises the vedas and puranas, removes negativity and is continuously chanted by Lord Shiva and Ma Parvati. Please join us for next pravachan on December 12.

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Tulsidas ji and Sri Rama’s Glories

Tulsidas ji and Sri Rama’s Glories Summary of last session (November 28) by Shri. Mohad Khandekar ji. 7:1 Sant Tulsidas offers pranam to four sources from where a jiva is born, namely Swedaj (स्वेदज)=WaterAndaj (अंडज)= EggUdbhij (उद्भिज)=SeedJarayuj (जरायुज)= Stomach Shri Vijay ji then discussed our five senses followed by discussion of sixth, seventh and eighth sense.  He discussed in length the meaning of Superimposition by citing examples of a pot and water within it. 7:2 Tulsidas Ji humbly requests the grace of “everyone and everything” mentioned in the previous Dohas. 7:3 Sant ji confesses that his limited knowledge is completely incapable to describe even a small portion of Shri Ram’s Glories. 7:4 However he wants to attempt it. Here he compares his understanding to buttermilk (छाच) and Shri Ram’s Glories to nectar (अमृत) 7:5 Vijay ji analysed the meaning of the following words:Krur (क्रूर) = Cruel, ViolentKutil (कुटील)= DeviousBure Vichar (बुरे विचार) Negative thoughts 7:6 Everyone loves to be appreciated but those who appreciate others are “True Gentlemen” (उत्तम पुरुष ) 7:7 Here Tulsidas Ji compares some to the lakes and rivers, who swell with added water (Ego) and a उत्तम पुरुष to an ocean which remains unaffected. Please join us for next pravachan on December 5.

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Svabhava and Grace

Svabhava and Grace Shri Vijayji started this session by re-capping the discussion of November 14th. 6:1 He talked about the importance of prayer. Bhagwan will Grace those who offer prayers to Him with pure mind. This will strengthen our bond with Him.  Worship (उपासना) Him by offering every action (कर्म) to Him. Vijay ji, then explored meaning of words Kaal subhau (काल सूभाऊ).  Kaal can be interpreted in two ways. Kaal influences your surroundings through prarabhdha karma (प्रारबद्ध कर्म).  Kaal also means death. सूभाऊ means personality (स्वभाव). Actions will dominate one’s nature, which in turn will influence the “tomorrow” (आनेवाला काल). 6:2 Bhagwan through his Grace can correct the mistakes but the nature (स्वभाव)of people with negative tendencies does not change. 6:3/4 Sant Tulsidasji through examples communicates following message: Do not judge anyone by their superficial qualities but look deep to know their real nature. Purity of thoughts come from within. 6:5 This Doha narrated the Glories of the Guru. He only can take one to the higher planes through the knowledge.  This message has been compared with the subtle wind, which has the ability to take dust to higher realms.  Without it dust can turn into mud when mixed with water. Satsang is very important. 6:6 further discusses the analogy of good company. Dust mixed with poor substances turns into a smear (कालिक) and when mixed with good elements results into ink (स्याही). 7 This Doha further emphasises the value of good company by citing various examples (stars, medicine,water, wind and cloth). This Doha concludes with Sant Tulsidas offering his respects to all (including positive and negative characters) and seeking their blessings.

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Valmiki Ramayana Mahatmya

Valmiki Ramayana Mahatmya Summary of last session (November 14) by Shri. Mohan Khandekar ji Shri Vijayji started the session by reciting and explaining the following verse of Valmiki Ramayan Mahatmya where Shri Valmiki is narrating glories of Shri Ram and seeking His Grace. श्री रामः शरणं समस्त जगतां, राममं विना का गती रामेण प्रतिहन्यते कलिमलम, रामाय कार्यं नमःरामात तस्यती कालभिमभुजगो, रामस्य सर्वम वषेरामे भक्तिरखंडीता भवतु मे, राम त्वमेवाश्रयः “Sri ramah sharanam samasta jagatam, Ramam vina ka gatih Ramena pratihanyate kalimalam, Ramaya karyam namah Ramat trasyati kalbhimabhujago, Ramasya sarvam vase Rame bhakirakhandita bhavatu me, Rama tvameva ashrayah” Sri ramah sharanam samasta jagatam” Sri Rama is shelter for the whole world. ‘Ramam vina ka gatih’ The Question has been raised is there any other destination for human beings other than Sri Ram? Ram is all in all and the goal of humanity at large.  Ramena pratihanyate kalimalam- Rama is a destroyer of kali-mal anything that is inauspicious, mal — that is dirty is destroyed by Sri Rama.  Ramaya karyam namah- until such Rama and His pastimes and His personality I offer my obsceneness. He then recapped last week’s discussion and elaborated more over the meaning of Prarthana. 4:1 People with negative disposition will never walk the righteous path. (Example of Crow vs Koel). 4:2 Sant Tulsidas offers his respects to both Sant and Asant (संत और असंत) because they both can be a source of grief. We feel unhappy when Sant leaves us and we feel miserable when we come in contact with Asant. (We must introspect our own nature). 4:3 Being born in the same environment does not mean they have similar characters.  Sant Tulsidasji compares Sant and Asant to lotus and a leech-like animal. I n spite of being waterborne they exhibit completely opposite tendencies. 4:4/5 Here Tulsidasji gives some examples of opposing characters. Moon (calm) vs Fire (Anger).Nectar (अमृत) vs Poison (विष ) Ganga vs Karmanasha(कर्मनाशा) river.  Vijay ji narrated a story about this river 5:1 We all have good and bad qualities. Controlling of senses is essential for discrimination. 5:2 Brahma the creator created the world with good and evil temperament. Knowledge acquired through scriptures is what separates them. 5:3 This Doha further elaborates the above statement through examples of pairs of opposite.

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About Chinmaya Mission

The Chinmaya Mission Northwest Indiana Center was established in 2002. It has now evolved into an organization serving the entire Indian community in Northwest Indiana. Chinmaya Mission is an excellent opportunity for spiritual learning.

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219-513-8647, 219-730-8276

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