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Rama Katha removes ‘karta’

Rama Katha removes ‘karta’ Summary of last session (October 30) by Shri. Mohan Khandekar. Shri Vijay ji started the session with Guru mahima. Tulsidas-ji says the “Ram katha has been narrated by many Gurus and listened by a knowledgeable audience but it is still a mystery  to me”. Here Vijay-ji points us to the Bhagavad Geeta (Ch. 4-verse 16), where Shri Krishna talks about types of karmas (Karma, Vikarma and Akarma).  Vijay ji furthermore refers to Vedas where Karma,Upasana and Knowledge is discussed in length. Not properly recognizing the depth of these three can lead to problems.  He reiterated his previous statement  “दोष कर्मो मे नही कर्ता मे है”. In this material world the Karta (Ego) is engaged in the “business” of karmas.  These karmas will lead him to either more attachments (प्रवृत्ती) or self-realization (निवृत्ती).  Arjun understood who karta was but was unsure about karma.  30:1 Our intellect guides us to knowledge.  Pure intellect will lead to Real Knowledge. (While making this statement, Shri Krishna, in Geeta, gives testimonials of other Rishis and Munis with similar declarations).  Q: How do we purify our intellect?  A: Through Shravanam, Mananam and Niddhidhyasam.  30:2 Read second line as निज मोह भ्रम संदेह. (निज=I, मोह= Ignorance भ्रम= Non Apprehension, संदेह=Misapprehension). Ram Katha is like a boat which helps you to cross the transactional world (भवसागर). 30:3 Just like fire turns everything to ashes, Ram katha eliminates ignorance. Here Vijay ji directed our attention to the BMI chart. Karta (Ego) “resides” in V.   This is the cause, which expresses through I. The cause is fulfilled by the M and B (senses)  This is the effect. This is the principle of cause and effect.  Instead of going away from the cause, we create more of it (attachments) and the cycle of Cause-Effect continues.  We are born to exhaust our Prarabdha karma, instead we create more and get entangled in the cycle of birth and death.  Remove Karta (Ego) to be free from the cycle. In other words, the less you do, the better it is!  Let’s turn our attention to Bhakti. Karma will just “happen”. (Bhagwan Vishnu and Bhagwan Shiva are action-less. Work is getting done from them when needed). 30:4/5/6/7 Here Tulsidas ji describes the significance of Ram Katha.  –It helps to grow devotion (भक्ती). Ram helps to liberate (मुक्ती).  –It is like a kaamdhenu which fulfills all desires. –It is like Sanjeevani which injects new life.  –It is like a river of nectar(अमृत की नदी) on the earth. –It is a destroyer of anxiety and delusions. Here he compares the unpredictable human personality to the uncertain behaviour of a frog and a monkey. –It is like Goddess Durga which destroys the evil and protects the virtuous.  –It is like Goddess Laxmi, the protector of inner wealth. –It is like Goddess Sarswati who can bear the weight of the entire universe with her firmly rooted knowledge.  –It is like Yamuna ji who shields from death. Here Vijay-ji narrated a story about Lord Yama, His sister Yami and His boon.   This signifies the bath in river Yamuna in the month of Kartik to attain Moksha. — It is like pias tirthkshetra Kashi which helps to attain jeevanmukti.  –It is like Hulsi (Tulsidasli’s mother), which also means Self Realization (आत्मस्वरूप). –It is dearest to Bhagvan Shiv, just like river Narmada.  –It gives you peace, prosperity and happiness. (Swami Shankaranand describes this happiness to be the six fold wealth (षटसंपत्ती) –It is like Goddess Amba and Aditi which help to soar the virtues through Devtas.  Doha: Here Ram katha is being compared to the river Mandakini which flows in the vicinity of the mountain Chitrakut, a serene and peaceful environment where Shri Ram and Ma Sita reside.  Harih Aum

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Glory of Guru

Glory of Guru Summary of class on October 23, 2021 by Shri Mohan Khandekar. Vijay ji emphasized the importance of Guru Parampara and Sampradaya Parampara.  We should choose our Gurus extremely carefully.   In Sanatana Darshan there are clear mantras stating that it comes from Lord Vishnu/Shiva to Rsi Vyasa to Shri Adi Shankaracharya. The learning of Parampara holds utmost importance in our lives. When we give our Bhakti to Sadhus, it is upasana.  However, we have to be sure that it is pure.  They have to be linked to our Parampara and their sadhgurus.  If that is not the case, they are unable to understand and get rid of our doubts. Do. 18 – 25 : Intense discussion to understand Nama, Rupa or Gunas. Artha and Vani, which one is higher?  Abhidey or Abhigyaan? This is taken up in Mandukya Upanishad. Gold in whatever form it is, is still gold.  One has to learn and do right actions. However, Jivan mukthi doesn’t require karma or upasana at all. A quick review of Nama, Rupa and Guna was done. Humans have given all that can be seen (form- Rupa), a name. Tulsidas ji has mentioned that “Nama” is highest.  We assume that wherever there is a Rupa, it has to have a name.  We also assume that Bhagawan should have a form.  Nama is also superior to Guna as there are only three Gunas – tamas, rajas and sattva.  Nama is the only one that can lead us to Jivan Mukthi.  Vijay ji then talked about Surrender. Bhakti is the 21st step in the ladder. 20th step is the roof.  When we let go of this, Sita ji will take us to Rama. Total surrender is required. We have to do a deep reflection of all these.  Whatever that is happening, is happening in the intellect. That is where Sita ji comes and that is where Shri Rama comes as well.   Everything happens at the thought level.  Reflect – if a thought that says that a Rupa (form) is great, would that Rupa give Jivan Mukthi? Will Gunas give Jivan Mukthi? Will Nama give? You will get an answer for sure! Do your mananam. What is your understanding of Nirgun Brahman? Think carefully and deeply. Bhakti is the key transformation point after Rupa, Guna which leads to Nama which can lead us to Nirgun Brahman.  Do. 30. (A & B) Anyone can listen to all the stories and nod our heads, but deep understanding and reflection is needed for us to evolve.   He gives us an example of how a snake charmer plays music and the snake keeps dancing to it. However, when the music stops, the snake is ready to bite the snake charmer himself.  That is how dangerous the ego is!  Reflection and internalization is the key to all this. He gives a list of Shrota and Vaktha: Lord Shiva  Goddess Parvathy Yagvalkya Muni  Bharadwaj Kagbhusundhi ji  Garuda ji Tulsidas ji  Us If one has the knowledge of how to internalize all this, only that person has the capacity to understand all these stories.  30.1 However beautiful a Swami or Guru gives Lakshyarth, one has to internalize in one’s own way.  It all depends on how much our intellect has developed. The better adhikari he is, he would understand that much less or more.  We have to develop our mathi – our intellect to understand the depth of this knowledge that is given to us by Gurus.  Keep working and asking for help from the Guru until we understand. Keep working on your – sama, dama, tapasya, viveka, vairagya to become an adhikari again.  Yagvalkya rishi says this to his wife Maitreyi that there is only one way – Shravanam, Mananam and Nidhidhyasanam.  This keeps repeating for lifetimes. We have to take the initiative to have a clear understanding. 30.2 However, then comes the part of heart which has to be dedicated. Just the work in from the intellect is not enough.  Avidya and Maya appears as desires and we get stuck with action (karma) again and again. Karma is limited and we get only limited results. We only give limited time to Bhagawan when we are working in the world all the time.  We think that we will be able to practice all the Siddhantha. However, it is not manageable with karma that we keep fueling. It becomes a habit.  Reflect on the intention of your karma. When we do it for Bhagawan – it becomes nishnakama karma. It is NOT karma anymore. Avidhya, kama and karma is taken care of by Bhakti that takes you to Bhagawan.  30.3  The ones that are learned – saints, pandits etc. they are indulging inside only with Bhagawan.  They just play outside or what is needed. They revel in this Rama Katha. Bhagawan takes care of all the other things.  We need to know the glory of this Rama Katha. Even when you listen to the glories, you are brought closer to the highest. That is the greatness of this! Just like how a snake (ego) is eaten by a beautiful peacock, the Rama Katha (mantras) take care of ego.  We cannot get rid of our papa by ourselves.  Rama katha when internalized, they take care of them. Jnana is born within us when we listen to Rama Katha and Sita ji helps this process.  We are given valuable lessons of viveka, and we understand what is the right path for us leading us to total surrender.  Harih Aum!

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Where does Bhakti reside

Where does Bhakti reside Summary of class on October 16,2021 by Shri Mohan Khandekar. Shri Vijay ji opened the discourse by saying that Ramcharit Manas is a book of indicative meaning.  If you have studied Vedas, dive deeper into it and get extensive connotation from it. He further expounded on the three paths: Karma Kand:  These are not necessarily performed in the Mandir by priests but the actions we perform on a day to day basis.  Upasana:  path of righteousness, devotion  Gyan Kand: path of knowledge  Jamini rishi divided Vedas into two sections. पूर्व मीमांसा( Karma Kand) and उत्तर मीमांसा (Gyan Kand). Shri Vijay ji later discussed the topic of Bhakti. To explain the question “where Bhakti resides”, he narrated a story from Bhagvatam.  One must have knowledge (ज्ञान) and dispassion (वैराग्य) to reach Bhakti Mata. In Bhagavad Geeta Shri Krishna connects Bhakti to multiple faculties such as mind, intellect and heart (मन बुद्धी हृदय).  Use Mind like a weapon to destroy evil thoughts and attachments. Purity of mind and clarity of thoughts will produce devotion in the heart.  Referring to the BMI chart, Vijayji explained that “V” generates a thought in “I”.  This thought may represent characters like Vali, Sugreeva, Bhibhishan and Ravana.   Sugreeva and Bhibhishan are devotees and the other two are not. Ego dictates the actions.  Therefore surrender the Ego and fill your heart with Devotion.  Next, he discussed the importance of Guru parampara and surrendering to Him after due diligence. This Sansar is based on the Cause-Effect (कार्यकारण सिद्धांत).  To attain Jeevanmukti one must do right actions and gain correct knowledge.  29:1, 2,3 : Here Tulsidas Ji emphasises the Ram  katha being told by many in the past, such as Lord Shiva to Ma Parvati and Ram bhakta Kakbhusundi, who narrated it to Yagyawalka who passed it on to Muni Bhardwaj.   This was handed down to Tulsidas ji’s guru. This chain illustrates the significance of Guru-shishya parampara.  ( Vijay-ji’s comments: Guru imparts knowledge to a correct shishya, may It be a crow (Kakbhusundi).   29:4 “Enlightened devotees of Shri Hari read, listen and understand this story in different ways and like a myrobalan fruit (Amla), they hold the time (past, present and future) within their grasp”, Sant Tulsidasji proclaims.  Vijayji’s observation: This statement can be compared to Jeevanmukti, which is in our grasp but can be possible only if we have a Guru who can lead us on a right path.  30 क ख  The word “ladakpan” has an indicative meaning. It means anyone ignorant of The True Knowledge.  Tulsidas ji humbly declares “I am one of them because I do not understand the way the true seekers do”.  The session ended with listening to recorded words of wisdom by Swami Akhandanand ji.  Jai Shri Ram

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Lord sees ONLY the good

Lord sees ONLY the good Summary of class on October 9th, 2021 by Shri Mohan Khandekar. Vijay ji clearly explained that there aren’t answers in black and white for few questions.  Every answer would depend on a person’s journey. Sometimes, the answer would make sense to him in 5 seconds or it could take 5 lifetimes! For us, Shastra IS Pramana. When we have faith in Shastra, all our questions are answered.  If we have someone who walks the path of Shastra (one who knows and can explain scriptures to us), we should have faith in that person. Then Vijay ji goes on to explain that according to Vedas, we need at least 3 kinds of Gurus in our lives.  Japa (done with vans)- is also karma. It comes along with a fruit – Phala. That would be the lowest form of result. We are reborn in a better situation in life, a good family and such. Japa (done with mind/ intellect) – Man/buddhi. Then we call it as upasana (dharma/bhakti). papa/punya raise here. Japa (done with heart) – where karma and upasana both come together.  When one wants a higher and deeper fruit, one has to put in effort and have one’s mind and intellect in it, then the results can reach “pitr” Loka and that’s all. However when one does this with upasana and heart, one can reach Brahma loka, even become Brahma ji.  Even if we want to send punya to our ancestors, they themselves have to be an “adhikari” for them to receive the punya.  Vijay Uncle reviewed Beej Ramayana which was covered in Doha 13, 14, 15.  He explains the Doha after 12 :  Ek Aneeh Arup Anaama. Nirakar Nirgun Bhagawan – without akar and gunas. That has no form and which is Brahman. – Sat Chit Ananda. Reaching this is what is Mukti.  There is no doership there. Even if there is a guna that comes in, they come in 3 called Pragati – Sattva, Rajas, Tamas. Then we call Ishwar. There cannot be Ishwar without Jiva.  Brahman can be referenced only if there is Jiva. Brahman is there, not expressive. – just an observer.  When a doer wants a result, this entity would manifest and would be called Ishwar – Bhagawan.  When one realizes Bhagawan it opens the door for Brahman, otherwise, we are stuck with Ignorance – Alpagya.  We ask for a particular form of Bhagawan and it is manifested as that form. We need to understand this Sambandha.  Within the Beej Ramayana, Shri Tulsidas offers his Pranams to everybody – Vedas, Brahma, Devas, Brahman under different levels.  After 16th Doha, He gives his Pranams to Bharath ji first. He is the first with respect to Dharma.  He references Shri Lakshman and Shri Shatrughan as well here. After recap, we get to the current doha – 27 for a quick review  27.2 Vijay ji differentiates Krpa and Daya. One has to ask for grace. However, one gives freely when there is Daya. When there is this Sambandha, Daya flows with Krpa.  27.4 Shastra is Pramana. Everything is written in Manu smrti for us. We are Bhagawan Manu’s children. Everything is prescribed for us.  For example an exemplary Raja will have three vital qualities – he should be like sadhu, buddhiman and susheel. 27.5 A good Raja has good values – vani, vinay, namrata etc. He should have an entire history of the person who comes to him. He should be genuine and just. 27.6 Shri Rama is the jewel among monarchs, who ONLY sees the goodness in us.  All the bad is not even seen by him. Such is the Greatness o Shri Rama. He only sees Visudha Prem.  28.1 Shri Tulsidas ji is so humble, mentions that he is a servant. Shri Tulsidas ji says that Shri Rama doesn’t even consider any of his vices.  Even in dreams, he will not take in to consideration any of his bad qualities.  28.2 Integration of mind and intellect. When that happens intuition develops. It comes from the heart (hrudaya). One has to have a pure and a good heart.  Bhakt and sevaks have free entry to Shri Rama’s heart – vishudh prem. Raag and dvesh are our worst enemies. We have to get rid of them. 28.3 / 28.4 Bhaktas, no matter how many mistakes they make, Bhagawan neglects all of them and only thinks of THAT ONE good quality that she/he does.  Raag and dvesh go hand in hand, hence we have to be careful about them.  He talks about Sugreev and Vibheeshan. Even though Shri Rama knew everything, he praises their help Sugreev protecting Shri Rama and Vibheeshan giving secret about Ravana’s nabhi, which comes handy defeating Ravana.  Both Sugreev and Vibheeshan had vasanas for rajya and stree.  However both are Shri Rama’s Bhaktas. Great people should not be judged by small people like us.  When there is Bhakti ( for Shastra, Ishwar, Guru), worldly things are taken care of. However, the faith has to be really strong. One can realize Bhagawan in NO TIME. Just that kind of faith is necessary – Atoot Shraddha and Bhakti.  Do. 29.A One’s Guru has to be always considered above them – in your hearts. Without Guru, faith cannot be developed.  Shri Rama is described as Sheelnidhan – treasure of Virtues. When one has faith, Shri Rama will give that treasure to us.  We have a choice to change our shaky minds right now.  Our lives are short, so let us take advantage of Shastras and live by them. Let this not be an entertainment. Do. 29.B, 29.C Shri Tulsidas ji gives away his weaknesses and surrenders under Shri Rama. He is hoping to wash away al the impurities in him.  Ramcharit Manas is not a story, we need to look beyond and pay attention to Siddhanth.  Harih Aum!

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Faith in God

Faith in God Class on Oct 2nd, 2021 Class notes by Shri. Mohan Khandekar With Shri Ram krupa and Shri Gurudev’s blessings we started the third session of Ramcharit Manas which narrates parts from Puranas and Scriptures.    Shri Vijayji briefly touched on the topics covered in the last two sessions:Five Devi and Devatas are worshipped in our Sanatan Dharma.Tulsidas Ji says  “संत ह्रिदय नवनीत समाना “, when singing Glories of Saints.   He seeks blessings from both the Good and Evil people (बंधाउ संत असज्जन चरणां Doha 4:2).  Here Shri Vijay ji gave a reference to Chapter 16 of Bhagavad Geeta, where Shri Krishna talks about Daivi and Aasoori sampatti (दैवी और आसुरी संपत्ती). Next, he covered the subject of worshipping God in different Yugas.  There is  tremendous strength of Ramnaam in Kaliyug. It promotes righteousness,faith and culminates anger and attachments. 27:1  “He will shower you with Blessings when you recite His name, with good faith (or without any faith)”: Here Sant-ji compares this statement with the phenomenon of Paras+Iron=Sona. (Vijay ji’s comments: Vedanta describes the sansar to be binded by Time, space and causation (देश वस्तू काल).  Similarly God expresses Himself with Name, Form and Qualities.(नाम रूप गुण). Let us explore the qualities of Shri Ram…. 27:2 “In spite of me being a poor servant (कुसेवक) I am confident that Shri Ram will Bless me because He has a wealth of unlimited Grace”.  Tulsidas ji declares, putting himself “down”. The indicative meaning:  one receives blessing by asking but mercy without asking. 27:3,4 A king listens compassionately to the grievances of everyone from the kingdom.  Raja Ram too is merciful to all and fulfills every desire without being asked.  27:5 How do you define a good king? Answer: the one who listens to everyone, recognises their humility and treats them respectfully.  King Ram is special because He is “King of Kings” (शिरोमणी) 27:6 Shri Ram is fond of pure devotion and unselfish love. (Tulsidas ji expresses these feelings with modesty by humiliating himself).  28 क Shri Ram loved everyone including monkeys and bears and He assigned them valuable tasks (Hanuman ji).  His name transformed heavy stones into floating ships.  28 ख “I may be good, I may be bad but I am the true servant of Shri Ram and I am confident that He will accept my devotion without any reservations” Tulsidas ji proclaims. 

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Kali Yuga

Kali Yuga Class on September, 25th, 2021Notes by Shri Mohan Khandekar With Shri Ram krupa and Gurudev’s blessings, we started the second session of Ramcharit Manas, an epic granth which has references of 135 scriptures.  Shri Vijayji opened his discourse with a summary of Doha 1,2,3,4. These describe the glories of Guru. Every feature of the Guru is holy, may it be His love, His tilak, even His nails!  Sant Tulsidasji says ” you will benefit from four kinds of people.  सज्जन साधू संत but only गुरु with His guidance fulfills your life and shows you the way to mukti”.  Through BMI chart, Vijayji explained that our tendencies (वृत्ती) live in our Intellect. Negative tendencies, will give rise to similar vrittis.  Just like a dead fly spoils the entire milk, your ego becomes an obstacle for purification.  We should strive for परमात्मा to shine upon the intellect (वृत्तीव्याप्ती).  The deeper meaning of this statement is “This intellect, then also becomes the Home of Devi and Devatas”.   Who is Devata?  The one who gives. Who does He/She give to? The one who offers Pooja. He further explained the importance of Pooja-Path (षोडशपचार पूजा). He recapped the meaning of previous Dohas, Sanadkumars and the story of Ganika.  Like Ganika, a prostitute, who surrendered to God, we should offer our actions to Him.  In Bhagavad Gita, Krishna talks about renunciation of actions and tells Arjun ” problem is not with the actions but with the one who performs it (कर्ता)”. Doha 26: Just like a Kalpataru tree, which satisfies every desire, reciting the name of Shri Ram will give you jeevanmukti.  Here Santji gives a beautiful example.  The leaves of hemp (भांग) and Tulsi plant look alike but their actions are opposite. His name has the strength to transform भांग into तुलसी.  26:1 Do the benefits of His name (रामनाम) ever end?         Tulsidas ji says “Never. It culminates your sorrows in four yugas (सत्य त्रेता द्वापर कली), three Kaal (Past, Present and Future) and three lokas (स्वर्ग, पाताल, भू)”. You cannot take anything with you, when you “go” but This Name will stay with you forever.  26:2 This describes means to worship the God:       Satya Yuga: Meditation Treta Yuga: Yajna          Dwapar Yuga: Pooja   Kali Yuga: This Yuga is full of sins, material attachments, negative tendencies and hatred.   Just like fish is inseparable from water, transgressions are an integral part of Kali Yuga. The only way to worship  Him is by reciting His name.   26:3 This Name will attain all desires, similar to the Kalpavruksha (कल्पवृक्ष). 26:4 When describing the immoral Kaliyug, Tulsidas ji points out it’s weakness.   He says it is without righteous actions, with no devotion and full of ignorance. रामनाम is THE ONLY SUPPORT and way to transcend samsara (भवसागर). Vijay ji went on to narrate the story of deceiver Kalnemi and mighty Hanuman ji to glorify Ramnaam. 27: This Doha illustrated the power of His name. This name stands for Bhagwan, Hiranyakashipu of Kali yug (savior)and Bhakt Prahalad (the people).   It has the strength of destroying the enemies of the devout. The session ended with a story of Parikshit and Kali.   Next time Shri Vijay ji will focus in the word “quality” (गुण).Jai Shree Ram Harih Aum!

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Power of Rama Naama

Power of Rama Naama Class notes by Shri Mohan Khandekar ji. With Shri Ram krupa and Shri Gurudev’s blessings we resumed our Ramcharit Manas classes on Saturday September 18th. Shri Vijayji started by explaining Manglacharan shlokas with the help of BMI chart.  According to Rishis and Sages, Ramcharit Manas, which is like a body, can be explained in four ways:  With words (शब्दार्थ)  With the help of mind (भावार्थ) With the help of Heart (लक्ष्यार्थ) With the help of intellect (मुल तात्पर्य). The first  three may be interpreted differently but सिद्धांत remains unchanged. Similarly to reach The Pure consciousness, which is unchanging, following are the three paths:    Path of right action (कर्मकांड)   Path of devotion (उपासना कांड)   Path of knowledge of Upanishads with the guidance of Guru ( ज्ञान कांड). These will help us to reach The Infinite Bliss (स्वान्त सुखाय). RCM stresses the importance of worshipping Five Devtas:  Ganesh, Shakti, Vishnu, Shiva and Sun.  Only Guru will intensify serious study of Vedanta, which will lead to the True Freedom (जीवनमुक्ती).  With these words of wisdom, Shri Vijayji led us to Doha 25 of Balkand, which narrates the Glories of Name (नामायन) 25: The name of Shri Ram is bigger than Sagun and Nirgun Brahman. One can not see his Roop but  identify with His name.  Even Lord Shiva retained this name after giving away everything. Here, Shri Vijayji narrated a story of Shiva parting away many valuables but holding onto ONE! 25:1 Just like the saying, don’t judge a book by its cover, never determine a person from his attire.  Shivji may be dressed in a peculiar way but He has the wealth of Prashad of Ramnaam, which He distributes generously.  Similarly sages and saints like Shukdev and Sanak Kumars constantly chant the name of Shri Ram.  (Vijayji’s comments: What is the significance of  nakedness of Sanak Kumars? Ans:  They are not attached to their bodies).  25:2 Everyone loves Lord Vishnu.  Lord Vishnu loves Lord Shiva and They both love Sage Narad, who loves and glorifies Ramnaam.  Sant Tulsidas mentions the name of Bhakt Prhalad who too was blessed by Shri Ram. (According to our Shastras there are 14 Bhakt Shiromani and Prhalad is one of them). 25:3 Dhruv, out of desperation, recited Ramnam with full faith and received a status of immovable star.  Similarly Hanumanji with his unwavering devotion has “captured” Shri Ram.  25:4 Sant-ji tells us how petty Ajamil and prostitute Ganika too attained freedom by chanting His name.  Shri Vijayji will start his discourse with Doha 26 and will explain the meaning of an important word “Kali”Jai Shri Ram Harih Aum!

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Gati Summary of last session (May 15)24:3/4 by Shri Mohan Khandekar Understanding the message of Ramayan correctly and reciting His name will lead to liberation. 25: He will bless you when you recite His name with extreme devotion.  Tulsidas Ji further declares that the first Ramcharitmanas was a creation by Lord Shiva.  Vijayji concluded the session with a reference to Chapter 8 of Bhagvad Geeta while explaining Gati (गती). We will resume after a short break for the summer.  Jai Shri Ram.

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Guru Helps Surrender

Guru Helps Surrender Summary of last session (May 8) by Shri Mohan Khandekar 24:1 Shri Vijayji narrated stories of Sugreev (सुकंठ) and his elder brother Bali. Sugreev and Bibhishan surrendered to Shri Ram and attained liberation. (Vijay-ji explained removal of ego through BMI chart).  24:2 Both Bhalu (जांबुवंत) and Shri Hanuman represent knowledge who are helping the devotees to cross over the ocean. Everyone listened to a speech by Swami Subhodanand about devotion.  Jai Shri Ram 

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Japa – His Name

Japa – His Name Summary of last session (May 1) By Shri Mohan Khandekar 23:1 Shri Ram lived a grueling life for the devotees however they can get His blessings by simply reciting His name (Ram Naam Japa) 23:3/4: Stories of various characters in Ramayana who were recipients of boon from Shri Ram.   Just like sun eliminates darkness His name will destroy sorrows, attachments and avulsions. (Vijayji’s comments: Shivji’s Bow (धनुष्य) may be compared to the ignorance (अज्ञान) within us and will be broken by Ramnaam). 23:4 Tulsidas Ji compares the Dandak forest (दंडकारण्य) to the Kaliyug. Just like He destroyed the evil forces from the forest,  reciting His name will eliminate the sins.  Doha 24: Sant-ji continues with the stories of devotees like Shabri and Jatayu who were liberated with the blessings of Shri Ram. (Selfless service offered with devotion will set you free from bondage).  Jai Shri Ram

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About Chinmaya Mission

The Chinmaya Mission Northwest Indiana Center was established in 2002. It has now evolved into an organization serving the entire Indian community in Northwest Indiana. Chinmaya Mission is an excellent opportunity for spiritual learning.

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"Chinmaya Omkara", 8705 Merrillville Road, IN 46410

219-513-8647, 219-730-8276

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